Letter Boxed January 09, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 09, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


44 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 09, 2025 Answers”

      1. Found Exchequers quickly but not Capsize and finished with Sizarship.
        Exchequer/Rapiers also gets close, leaving only Z. Also tried Xeriscape and Supersize.

      1. Excellent, Bruce! Pauperizing and Capsizing Exchequers, GOP economic plans in a nutshell. (The Sizarship option I find stale and unprofitable, especially by comparison.

      1. I did. It was part of my federal student aid package. It was called work-study. I could take a work-study job at the university for 16 hours a week and get a few thousand dollars or take the amount awarded for it in student loans. I worked the work-study job helping students in the English department’s language labs, which was better than what most work-study kids did: serve students by either dishing out food to them or cleaning up after them in their dorm’s cafeteria.


    Found EXCHEQUER and worked backwards. Found PAUPER and guessed at PAUPERIZE, as I have never seen that word. Also found SUPERCHURCH and EPIZEUXIS* which LB didn’t accept.

    1. Same. I grabbed on to EXCHEQUER and refused to give up. Took me a while to start a word with the C but when I did it was easy.

  2. After my head instantly exploding from Q X and Z all on one side I was able to refocus and found OA relatively quickly. Assumed it would be a one off but glad to be proven wrong!

    I had to look up sizarship and found both: The position or standing of a sizer; sizar: a student (as in the University of Cambridge) who receives an allowance toward college expenses and who originally acted as a servant to other students in return for this allowance.

    1. OA in about 5 mins. EXCHEQUER(S) came to me immediately, since it is one of the only words I know with a Q and an X. (I am still waiting to use QUIXOTIC).

  3. OA. Considerably harder today. Had to first see cheque( wonder if today easier for Brits?) then exchequer(s) then worked back to capsize

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