Here are the Letter Boxed January 09, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.
Sides of this Letter Box are:
The answers are:
stock market crash
🤔 exchequer gives me a feeling of deja vu
Sometimes they’re so hard they’re easy.
i think everyone will be OAing today …
🇨🇦 strong & free forever.
And I got the OA too.
Yes… he was a good man, but had the strange habit of always asking how big your hat was.
I’m always a little disappointed if everyone has the same answer. But it’s early days.
Sizarships sound amazing. New one here!
Thanks! And Sizarship saves it from being a singular solution. ☕
Found Exchequers quickly but not Capsize and finished with Sizarship.
Exchequer/Rapiers also gets close, leaving only Z. Also tried Xeriscape and Supersize.
Pauperize – Exchequers 😁👊
Same here. Quickly. Not sure why. 🙂
Excellent, Bruce! Pauperizing and Capsizing Exchequers, GOP economic plans in a nutshell. (The Sizarship option I find stale and unprofitable, especially by comparison.
I should have asked for a SIZARSHIP in college!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I did. It was part of my federal student aid package. It was called work-study. I could take a work-study job at the university for 16 hours a week and get a few thousand dollars or take the amount awarded for it in student loans. I worked the work-study job helping students in the English department’s language labs, which was better than what most work-study kids did: serve students by either dishing out food to them or cleaning up after them in their dorm’s cafeteria.
Exchequers — Sizarship, too
OA after giving up on SUPERSIZE
Found EXCHEQUER and worked backwards. Found PAUPER and guessed at PAUPERIZE, as I have never seen that word. Also found SUPERCHURCH and EPIZEUXIS* which LB didn’t accept.
EXCHEQUERS? Otherwise no S.
Fishcake: Yes, I forgot the S in my comment, thanks!
OA In the process, found Perique* (accepted) which could be handy in future.
*Type of tobacco
I can NOT believe I got the OA on this one
Once I found EXCHEQUER, though, it was only a matter of time.
Same. I grabbed on to EXCHEQUER and refused to give up. Took me a while to start a word with the C but when I did it was easy.
OA fairly quickly today. 3 day streak 😀
After my head instantly exploding from Q X and Z all on one side I was able to refocus and found OA relatively quickly. Assumed it would be a one off but glad to be proven wrong!
I had to look up sizarship and found both: The position or standing of a sizer; sizar: a student (as in the University of Cambridge) who receives an allowance toward college expenses and who originally acted as a servant to other students in return for this allowance.
OA in about 5 mins. EXCHEQUER(S) came to me immediately, since it is one of the only words I know with a Q and an X. (I am still waiting to use QUIXOTIC).
Same here. Took a sec to find CAPSIZE, but had EXCHEQUER out of the gate.
Missed the obvious “capsize” so had to settle for EXCHEQUERS – SPAZ – ZIP
Found CAPSIZE, have never heard of EXCHEQUER. Glad I gave up early. 🫤
OA. Considerably harder today. Had to first see cheque( wonder if today easier for Brits?) then exchequer(s) then worked back to capsize