Letter Boxed January 08, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 08, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


65 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 08, 2025 Answers”

        1. Yesh, those Impervious Scabs, you can yell at them all you like, they’re crossing that picket line regardless. Also Impervious are Scarabs, Scabrous with Scabies.

      1. OA relatively quickly here as well. Took a little time looking for SUPER- related options and VICIOUS. But the detour wasn’t too long, thankfully.

    1. Fasted solve in a long time. The “VIOUS” combination jumped out at me and from there the solution came in about 30 seconds.

          1. I thought it would be OA too – saw it immediately. Probably would have been if you could have done BIVOUACS SPERM.

  1. Solved with Impervious scab (on my own for the 2nd day) . Used to get impatient and just copy the answer but doing good for the past 2 days


    SCARABAEI* — IMPERVIOUS (LB doesn’t accept the plural of SCARAB)



    1. Had AVARICIOUS but didn’t see SUBPRIME. So happy to find IMPERVIOUS – SCARAB and completely missed the shorter OA, but another successful day with LB 🙂

  3. I’m OA and quickly, but based on these other answers, this was a fun board to be lost in.
    I only had avarice before I had OA.

  4. OA in about 30, but was distracted by so many possibilities.

    Here are some of the better finds: Superb, Subpar, Barbaric, Absorbs, Aerobics, Pumices, Voracious, Varicose, Precosmic, Bioscopes

    Close with:
    Pumices – Savor (no B)

  5. After tanking for the last two days, my ego was soothed by instantly seeing


    There may, or may not have been, some self-high-fivery.

  6. Am new and still not quite getting this. Settled for a three though did have a couple of twos recently.

  7. OA fast. So fast. Faster than anything. Negative time fast. Why do people feel the need to post that it was achieved quickly?

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