Letter Boxed January 10, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 10, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


63 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 10, 2025 Answers”

          1. Ayuh. Via Aftershock(s) (how the blow was delivered); Aftershock Kiva(s) / Kiva Aftershock(s) (and where); plus Aftershocks Service(s), Shiv(s), Shiva(s), Shivah, Soviet(s); and also Riva, Riviera, Shiva, Trivia, Viva, Vivaria / Aftershock(s). Is there any alternative to Aftershock?

      1. Also had…
        *Havockers – Safties

        Not sure this is a solution?
        I validated “havocker” but not with an S.

        What say you all?

        1. Other promising words:
          Trickiest, Thirstier, Schtick, Varieties, Craftiest, Aircrafts, Airstrikes, Kerchief, Airshafts

          Not accepted:
          Stickershock, Trickshots, Crashtest

          1. Via aftershock.
            Got it today. Enjoy watching you super smart people get this in 2 everyday.
            Growing up in CA, aftershocks came easy. lol

          2. Favas stickershock,if were accepted. Also saw varicose,stickfast,cricketers,avarice,archaic,fakirs among others

    1. Awesome! I was trying to do Freakiest Tsarovich, but of course, the spelling is wrong. Wish I’d thought to ditch the ‘tsar’ component.


    Found OSTEOARTHRITIC, TICKTOCK, RESEARCH, CHARIOT, and then AFTERSHOCK (was hoping AFTERSHAVE worked but no), and worked backward to find words ending in A containing VI and VIA was right there.

    1. Excellent!, on OSTEOARTHRITIC, a 14-er.


    2. Via aftershocks . Snowed in here so played some more and came up with aftershocks service and a reversible kiva aftershock/ aftershock kiva

    1. AFTERSHOCK – KIVA (Pueblo ceremonial chamber)

      Mack was shaken to find that the invitation had been to a gunfight.

    1. Nice again Richie. I never thought I’d see anyone on Mark’s level show up. You two are amazing… and/or college English professors 🤔

  2. I love solving these nyt letterboxed puzzles and i came here to check the results. Thank you so much and i also want to know where can i find the results of nyt sudoku? is there any website for this as well?

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