Letter Boxed January 14, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 14, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


81 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 14, 2025 Answers”

          1. Questionable Ethos (too much TI!). Questionable Eth is more efficient and less disheartening, but not nearly as redolent. Also Questionable are Elhi, Ethnos, Esthete, and Ethanol. Questionable is unquestionably part of any answer.

      From this OED citation ETH is often questionable:
      The Old English scribes confused matters a little by using two symbols,..‘thorn’, and..‘eth’..indiscriminately.
      C. Barber, Flux of Language


    Saw NATION, QUESTION, and once I saw QUESTIONABLE it was all over.

    1. That’s what I got immediately, and I couldn’t believe the puzzle said EH was too short. Why should anyone care whether a valid word is short?

      1. Cool; I had BISQUE on my list of words to try but got the OA right away when I was starting to type in QUESTION or QUESTIONS. Instead I noticed ABLE was right there too, so QUESTIONABLE + H, got ETHOS (didn’t try ETH). UNQUESTIONABLY the quickest easiest in a while or maybe ever for me, was happy to get it so fast.

    2. Yup.

      It should’ve been that since “eh” is a word and likewise signifies doubt. Or if they weren’t going to give us that, they should’ve made the E a Y so that we could have QUESTIONABLY as a one-word solution.

  2. OA
    Not very often that there’s an LB where one word uses all letters except one. Makes me wonder if there’s ever been an LB with a one word solution.

    1. I think at some point someone found Hyperproductivity (Hyperproductive?) for a one word solution. LB wouldn’t accept it, although some dictionaries list it as one word.

  3. There has … but it wasn’t the OA! On Nov. 13, 2022, the OA was GEOGRAPHIC – CALYX, but a lot of people noticed that LEXICOGRAPHY worked. Poor Bernie was bedside himself, as I recall, because he was thrilled to get CALYX and hadn’t even considered the possibility of a one-word solution.

    Speaking of Bernie, where has he got to? I think he’s the only person who’s been on here longer than I have now.

      1. Thanks for the history lesson on one word solution, as I’ve always wondered about that. Questionable-Ethos—a good slogan for your opposition political party of choice.

    1. Hi, DW! Thanks for the call out. I have been appearing, but on a delayed time schedule for want of time, posting a weeks’ worth or more at one go in an attempt to catch up!

  4. Got the ETH version of OA. as well as BISQUE ETHANOL which sounds rather unappetizing!

    Some outside possibilities:

  5. OA. QUESTION(S) was the first word I spotted, seemed to efficient to abandon. Took a while to see QUESTIONABLE, then tried ETH on a whim. Came back to it and figured ETHOS must be the official pair, good TI.

  6. Any puzzles with Q are usually fairly easy, because Q is an obvious starting point.
    THAT’S the questionable ethos today— Q words.

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