Letter Boxed January 13, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 13, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


115 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 13, 2025 Answers”

    1. I was looking for a pair for words with DRUM and LAND – ended up with AUTOMATICAL (go figure, it’s accepted by LB) and LANDMARK after also toying with NOMINAL, AUTOMATON, LANDLOCK*, KOALA

    2. Another Dockland Drumkit (played in waterfront juke joints). Also Docudrama Antilock (“The Brakes that Failed”) and Undramatic Clock / Clonk (wasted opportunities in the docudrama screenplay). And also too, Antidromic Caulk / Cluck / Clunk. Not proud of those….

        1. I find this answer very beguiling for some reason. Feels like we’re setting expectations too high for a poor, simple Kudu.

    1. Excellent! I got AUTONOMICAL LANDMARK, or could be AUTOMATICAL, or AUTOCRATICAL. I was a bit surprised those, last two at least, were allowed with -al. I was just happy to get any 2w today!

          1. Patrolman: “Witness says she saw a guy lurking in the lobby.“
            Lenny: “Have you ever actually seen someone lurk?”
            Patrolman: “Bela Lugosi. That cat could really lurk.”
            L&O dialogue reproduced verbatim.

    1. Same here…
      Romantic – Cuckold 😂

      Just saw
      Conundrum – Mocktail too.

      Close with…
      • Conundrum – Milkman (no T)
      • Romantical + Duck/Drunk (but no way to link?)

    1. LAUNDROMAT — TICKTOCK also. Tick would have completed the two-word solve and been more efficient. But I liked the sound of ticktock. So, when LB accepted it was great finish to a relatively quick game. Lots of good word choices with several two-word solves. My favorite kind of Letter Boxed puzzle. Time to call it a day. Good night.

  1. Dockland Drumkit – The Wharf Rats will be opening for The Chesapeake Cheapskates at Chicago’s Navy Pier.

    Laundromat Tick – washing clothes can be draining, but at least you can check it off the to do list.

  2. Not a lot of fuss today! I saw the time and was hoping it wouldn’t take long to solve: lo and behold it took less than a minute to find UNDRAMATIC – CLOCK
    Apparently the TI life reflected real life! 😃

      1. just club soda

        At least that’s the mocktail I see alcoholics order when faced with a conundrum, that conundrum often being how to not end up ordering a cocktail.

  3. a longer solution …

    Dinkum is an interesting word … i used to vaguely think that it was a name for a load of hooey, but apparently it’s the opposite …


    A perfect pair? 🙂


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