Letter Boxed March 28, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed March 28, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


43 thoughts on “Letter Boxed March 28, 2024 Answers”

    1. Same after chasing so many words for about an hour.
      Anyone pair:
      mounter, revolute, revolter, mouther, overborne, frontmen, brothel, uneventful, evolvement, revolvement, movement, removement, envoutment, homerun, outhomer, mouthful, mournful?

      Also, “thrombon” was an unaccepted word.

  1. Got eventful and lots of other promising stuff but didn’t want to stare at it all day so had to settle for BEHEMOTH-HERE-EVENTFUL

  2. Not sure Hombre qualifies as English language?? Settled for FROTHER (like my cappuccino in the morning!) – REVOLUTE (revolting against our latest word choices!) – ENTOMB (time to put today’s puzzle to bed). Have a fantastic day All.


    Slim pickings today.
    I found no minimal triplets.
    FULTH—HOMBRE—ENV showed up, but is quickly ruled invalid in LB and Scrabble.
    Lately, I’ve been tracking which abbreviations make it into the games.

  4. A fail for me. Found EVENTFUL, but missed hombre.

    I did spend time with VERBOTEN (which was not verboten)
    but there seems to be no partner.
    MOTHERFUL also passed the gatekeeper, but sadly remained alone.

    1. Yes! I found VERBOTEN, too, and kinda smiled when it was accepted. Also, thought I was home free with BENEVOLENT, but that didn’t pair with anything.
      Managed to get the OA, but that’s only because of stubbornness. I probably should have given up and had a more productive (and less frustrating, in some ways) day.

  5. OA once I finally had time to sit down with it! Thought there would be many more answers with the bounty of vowels, but I’m thinking this is pretty constrained again.

  6. Missed Hombre, really wanted EVENTFUL to work… went with RHOMB BENEVOLENT TURF (19/3)… also got ROBOT THEME EVENTFUL (18/3), oh I did get VERBOTEN too, forgot I had it; other nice words that didn’t work out for me included TURBULENT, TORMENTOR (or MENTOR), REMOVE/R, MOURNFUL, BEHEMOTH.

  7. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 14 hombre / eventful
    2 – 18 rhombomere / eventful

    3 – 15 november* / ruthful

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