Letter Boxed January 17, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 17, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


65 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 17, 2025 Answers”

        1. Interesting solve. I tried Exanthem and was quite surprised it was rejected. Very surprised they would accept Exanthematic. They should accept both. The W was the harder letter with this array. Had a bunch of good X words I couldn’t finish. CHEMOTAXIC, EXCITATION, EXTRICATION, EXCREMENT, MATRIX among others. But it wasn’t until I focused on the W and saw CHAIRWOMEN, that I crossed the finish line with the OA.

        1. Also found these good words I bet some matched?
          Extention, Contention, Thermometer, Excrement, Excretion, Marchmen (Marchwonen not accepted?), Metrication ( someone paired this?), Extrication (same?)

          Another superhero/villain not accepted: catwoman 🙄😂

    1. OA after awhile. I found lots of the words mentioned in many of the posts here, but I could not make a pair using all the letters. However, everything clicked when I found chairwomen — next was right there.
      It was perfectly placed on all four sides of the box, and like others mentioned, “can’t believe I didn’t see the word earlier.”
      Have a great weekend despite the extreme cold predicted for the Midwestern US over the next several days.


    2. I have the OA and variant Chairwoman / Chairwomen Next (clear lines of succession are good for business), and also Axiomatic Charwomen (the ideal housecleaners), but Excentric is quite eccentric!

  1. Kathy Richardson

    Is Letterbox repeating previous puzzles? Got this instantly, and I’m pretty sure that’s because it came up before!


    Found AXIOM, the AXIOMATIC

    Found CHAIR, then CHAIRWOMEN, and NEXT was right there. I then went back to AXIOMATIC and it connected perfectly as well. Very quick today.

    1. A monotreme mother said to another,it is axiomatic that the excitement of chairwomen next would not be anathema to others

  3. Lots of pairs that wouldn’t pair today including AXIOMATIC – WRENCH and EXTRICATION – WHOM. Also spent too long trying to find something that worked with Mathmetician. Settled for a 3

      1. HOAXER was my first find but could not come up with a pair. Then found AXIOM, and then very quickly AXIOMATIC – CHAIRWOMEN

  4. Chairwomen—Next? A cry of desperation heard inside Augusta National. LB appears to be on this bandwagon to some extent, as it accepts Taxman but not Taxwoman for an alternate Ricochet-Taxwoman solution.

  5. Mine was AXIOMATIC CHAIRWOMEN. Had the hardest time finding CHAIRWOMEN for some reason(s). Had not trouble at all spotting MATRIARCH and failing to pair it, though.

  6. AXIOMATIC CHARWOMEN fairly quickly after earlier on my cell coming up with lots of good words and prefixes and suffixes. I had Axiom earlier but only got Axiomatic on my second shift, once I got home using my laptop. Never saw Next, but had hopes for COAXER. Other promising words: Thermometer, (Nowhere-Emotion lacked C A X), Excitement, Imitate or Imitation.

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