Letter Boxed March 02, 2023 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed March 02, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


28 thoughts on “Letter Boxed March 02, 2023 Answers”

  1. (From Feb 28 puzzle, using only the 12 letters, plus ‘n’– half our alphabet. It’s a bit inspired by James DIckey’s fabulous (like a fable) 1967 poem “Falling”.)


    Give us (say) a daring dirge,
    A gradual sung as a day gives sign
    Surely engraved in a dusk disguised,
    Surely as sad as a dreary eye.

    As gilded rays unravel a sky
    Under a veiled and silvery dusk
    A risky slide in an air revised,
    A skydiver lays in a gyring glide.

    A legal sail, an aged guide,
    A rival avian diver yields;
    Gaily alive in rural air
    A skylark gives a residual sign.

    Under sky, gray-gilded seas
    Vaguely lurk, and gravely lie.
    Are skylarks sage? Is a gyre near?
    Ask, divulge, say adieu, and die.

    1. Thank you Jill!
      So many tangents from your words! (James’ poem is very long).
      No skylarks where I am (except for old Buicks) but I was encouraged to find out if they are sage and enjoyed the learning.

    1. Excellent! Flowers, herbs, and single-malt whisky (Jackson says Talisker holds the record for most identiable scents, at 12).

  2. Well, I completely missed both the components of the efficient official solution, today. Went through FRAMING, NOTCHY, INFORMANT, and GRAFT, after which I branched off into Greek with CHIROGNOMY, HOMONYMIC, -MANI(A)C, and then -MACHY compounds. ICONOMACHY was rejected (even though it is a word) and I ended up in FRAG – GIGANTOMACHY 16/2, which, at least, has a theme going for it.

    1. I scored 8½ at LBF, today. Despite having worked in a casino for a brief period of time, I’ve never been well & truly into gambling, but I’m now considering a handbrake turn in my betting strategy; instead of picking a different set every day (essentially aiming for a moving target), I might be better off sticking to the same one for the duration -we’ll see…

  3. Official and fairly quickly after a long hard try at INFORMANT and INFORMING, but only three sips into the coffee and I’m off to my day in a much better mood than yesterday’s failed LB attempts!

  4. After going through a seemingly endless list of nonfunctional words I ended up with a threeer again: HYMNIC-CONFRONTING-GRANT. Took me a long while to mess around with: macaroni infinity forging minority foaming city citing maniac confronting gamy magnify horny romantic intimacy tram inform norm gaming main mint moaning mantra margin notch monochromy hymn many any honoring rainy motoric contractor tonicity giro grainy magician gram grim grin grant from frog fortify firm confirming contra agony contrary.

  5. Even going international (e.g., ORIGAMI), I wasn’t seeing it, so my solution was a threeby: MARIACHI-INFORMING-GANTRY. Filming documentary about a band.

  6. Official. After thinking it was one ING word and other ending in Y.
    After getting nowhere switched to get a y and ing combo. Viola!

  7. Bernie Horowitz

    Official, after considerable strife. I’m surprised but pleased to see there are other two-word solutions on offer. Well done!

  8. Almost shut out. Finally made it.

    (Trachyte is a lava rock.). Yes, the dictionary was involved.

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