Letter Boxed February 04, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed February 04, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


36 thoughts on “Letter Boxed February 04, 2024 Answers”

    1. I remember lb having velocity-yakuza as answer few months ago.
      I never thought yakuza would come again. My bad 😐

    1. Same here, Steph. I’m glad to find a solution, but it feels more legit when I find it purposely rather than stumbling into it.

  1. Had to at least try Syzygy – it’s always on my Look For list, like Wombats and Numbats, but shows up basically never. Of course it couldn’t be paired, so I fell back on the OA. I really believe it’s a one-off this time.

      1. The puzzle eluded me today, but I saw syzygy too, and remembered writing something last year. The letters then were: aghiklopstyz

        29 January, 2023

        A syzygy articulates
        The space between the sounds it makes,
        A polyglot’s semantic wit
        Shines like topaz, skylight-lit;
        Or deep in etymology,
        A sylph’s wordplay philosophy.

        Sometimes it’s simply hit or miss,
        In hazy, lazy, glazy glitz:
        Syllabic zygapophysis!

      2. I tried SYZYGY also to no avail. And PSYCHOLOGY, but did not remember YAKUZA, nor was I familiar with that word. I am now, but I doubt I will remember it, having no context.

  2. Yakuza is a trash answer.

    Looking at this jumble of nonsense and then almost instantly seeing psychology and pretty much knowing that it’s half, and has to be the front half, and then trying to figure out what not-exactly-acceptable word crams a KUZ together with Y is gonna be.
    I’m mad at you, letter boxed, for trying to be clever.

  3. OA for me also.
    Then found “aglyphous” which has “ckz” leftover.
    Tried “czapka” which is in Wikitionary/Wikipedia but LB won’t accept. “zacka” not accepted either.
    So 3-word answer:
    with ZACK being either a coin or a jail sentence (your call) and KOA being a Hawaiian tree.

  4. OA after finding psychology right away like others. Had to look up YAKUZA. Oh well, at least I added a new word to the list. Surely it can’t be that hard to come up with challenging LBs with solutions that aren’t so esoteric!

  5. OA. I guess this group needs to watch more Martial Arts “B” Movies. YAKUZA is a very common theme in those. I tried to make SLOUGH work but all I could come up with was HAZY and some leftover letters. Then I found PSYCHOLOGY and YAKUZA was easy.

  6. Almost settled for 18/4 (Glyph Hazy Yuck Soup or Soap) but then saw Psychology, didn’t know Yakuza so my 3w = ZAP PSYCHOLOGY YUCK

  7. Never heard of yakuza. Seems like it would be capitalized. Sadly PAYCOCKS was not accepted. Ended up with ZAP PSYCHOLOGY YUK which made me chuckle.

  8. Pretty pleased with getting the OA today. Kept trying ZAPS and SPAZ and HAZY, but once I locked onto PSYCHOLOGY, the rest was easy.

  9. Really wanted to use syzygy…

    Was trying to will the word gazpacho.

    Did not come up with yakuza…my initial thought was that it’d be a proper noun. Oh well.

    Better luck tomorrow!

  10. Got psychology and messed around with the remaining letters, but never got to yakuza. Showed my husband and he said, “Oh yeah, yakuza.” And I was like, “Really?”

  11. Super annoyed that yakuza is in the solution and that I didn’t give up sooner as I never would have gotten that.

    Settled for:

    I agree with the person above that it doesn’t need to be so esoteric. Eye roll.


  12. Struck out, but at least I gave up sooner rather than later. What a nasty array of letters. Missed PSYCHOLOGY, and think I would’ve gotten YAKUZA in the leftovers (thanks to my interest in Japanese video games and movies), but I’ll still scoff at it being a one-solution puzzle that hinges on an obscure loan word. To reuse YAKUZA seems especially strange. Has Ezersky already run out of esoteric words to annoy us with?

  13. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 16 psychology / yakuza
    2 – 17 psychology / yakuzas

    3 – 17 chapka* / azygously*

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