Letter Boxed October 24, 2023 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed October 24, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


32 thoughts on “Letter Boxed October 24, 2023 Answers”

      1. This is a link to a mindfulness meditation app that I have found helpful and refreshing.
        Sorry for the mystery link. I was trying to be understated with the TI; not offering unsolicited, sktchy apps.
        Now I hope it can be serendipitous and not just suspicious if there is any one interested.

  1. Radioactive Litters

    I don’t like to solve today! After a few tries, decided that the litterboxed is indecipherable glancing at it.

  2. Not much to work with today. Other than the OA, the only thing I see is MINDFUL – LIPOGRAM. I will be curious to know what others find.

  3. Found the OA eventually (because I spell it PROGRAMME). Shame GRANDPIANO wasn’t allowed. Tried, fruitlessly, to find extensions of FROG, DOG, FARM, GIRL, MAN.

    1. A reverse process here: I occasionally throw in an extra U or AE combo. 🙂 I fiddled with FAIRGROUND (accepted) for a bit.

    1. Same here. It pronounced itself the OA upon discovery. No complaints, really – almost peak efficiency and pretty good TI for an OA, for a change.

  4. I kept trying to find a good word or a wacky word and then I settled Mindful as half and got the OA.

    I had unafraid, pilgrim, gainful and almost nothing else.

  5. OA here as well. Thankfully, it came within a few minutes. I’m often at it for a while when the box doesn’t offer many two-word solutions.

    Fairly efficient OA anyhow, FWIW.

  6. I saw program first. Then grandmom and grand piano (not a word). Then I tried -grams like monogram. F seemed in a difficult spot. Saw unafraid. Than tried ful words armful, gainful. No progress on ground, round, or non- or -un words.
    All to finally go back to the original program-mindful. Not my day but I got there in the end.

  7. Always a little leery when I can’t spot any suffixes to work with (I missed ~FUL at first, and it’s not the first time). Stumbled on PROGRAM pretty quickly though, and MINDFUL sort of solved itself. I immediately knew it would be OA.

  8. OA and not much else that hasn’t already been mentioned. (grandmom, grandpop, granuloma, impound, marigold, mandolin, minigolf, moanful, roundman…)

  9. OA today. Had Program early but dismissed it until I saw Mindful.

    Disappointed Fairground went nowhere but them’s the breaks 🙁

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