Letter Boxed September 25, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed September 25, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


57 thoughts on “Letter Boxed September 25, 2024 Answers”

  1. BOWLINE – EXTRACT, which I was sure would be the OA. Fastest solve in months. First word I tried was Extractor, saw bowline in the remaining letters and just put them together.

          1. [ INEXTRICABLE – ELBOW ]

            was close with
            Extractor – Rainbow (no L) first. I also tried to pair Extractable, but couldn’t.



    Lots of great words today!

      1. I got TABLEWARE-EXONIC as well. Really wanted to use INEXORABLE but couldn’t find a home for the W.

        BTW – Our handles are far too similar- so much so I thought I had already posted today but couldn’t remember doing so 🤔😄

    1. Or Toxicant Tableware, slightly more efficient. Either way, nothing sharp!
      I trust I’m not the only person to find the “how on earth is this the OA?“ OA, Containable Earwax? . (Still room in there for more, apparently. And also Blecchh!)
      Also found Bowline Extract / Extractor (obtaining a sample to test after a failure); Cowbane Extricable (so you at least have a hope of getting out of the weeds); and Tableware Exonic / Exocentric – and if someone can find some TI in that last bit, more power to you! Mvua?

      1. Tableware Exocentric – the good china. Just displayed in it’s cabinet serving a purpose outside of its intended design.

        Tableware Exonic – CRISPR… Slicing and splicing and serving, the desired DNA sequences on a platter.

        1. Thanks, MVUA! Always up for a challenge, it seems! I did briefly think of CRISPR but forgot it in the excitement of finding Earwax.

  3. bowline- extractor

    Had no idea what bowline is.
    However, saw that it was left over after finding extractor.
    Tried it and it worked.
    All’s well that ends well.

  4. I forgot to post this yesterday…

    Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 14 bowline / exactor
    2 – 14 bowline / extract
    3 – 18 bowline / extractable
    4 – 16 bowline / extractor
    5 – 17 bowline / extricable
    6 – 17 containable / earwax
    7 – 17 cowbane / extricable
    8 – 19 exactable / electrowin
    9 – 16 excentric / cowbail
    10 – 17 exocentric / cowbail
    11 – 21 extractable / electrowin
    12 – 20 extricable / electrowin
    13 – 20 inexorable / electrowin
    14 – 17 inextricable / elbow
    15 – 19 inextricable / earwort
    16 – 22 inextricable / electrowin
    17 – 19 intoxicant / tableware
    18 – 17 nanowire / exactable
    19 – 19 nanowire / extractable
    20 – 18 nanowire / extricable
    21 – 21 nonrenewable / excentric
    22 – 22 nonrenewable / exocentric
    23 – 22 nonrenewable / extricable
    24 – 20 nonrenewable / ecotoxic
    25 – 18 owerance / extricable
    26 – 19 renewable / exocentric
    27 – 17 renewable / ecotoxic
    28 – 19 rewirable / exocentric
    29 – 19 tableware / exocentric
    30 – 15 tableware / exonic
    31 – 16 tanorexic / cowbail
    32 – 17 taxable / electrowin
    33 – 16 towable / excentric
    34 – 17 towable / exocentric
    35 – 17 towai / inextricable
    36 – 18 towline / extractable
    37 – 17 towline / extricable
    38 – 17 toxicant / tableware
    39 – 18 wearable / exocentric
    40 – 17 abaxile / electrowin
    41 – 17 owari / inextricable
    42 – 20 rewireable / exocentric
    43 – 16 rowable / excentric
    44 – 17 rowable / exocentric
    45 – 18 wantable / exocentric

    46 – 16 bawble* / exocentric
    47 – 16 blewart* / tanorexic
    48 – 15 blewart* / toxicant
    49 – 17 bowline / extractant*
    50 – 14 extricable / enow*
    51 – 16 extricable / erenow*
    52 – 16 inextricable / enow*
    53 – 18 inextricable / erenow*
    54 – 17 intoxicable* / earwax
    55 – 17 intoxicable* / erenow*
    56 – 15 intoxicable* / ewer
    57 – 20 intoxicator* / renewable
    58 – 20 intoxicator* / rewirable
    59 – 18 intoxicator* / rowable
    60 – 22 nonintoxicant* / tableware
    61 – 20 nonrenewable / exotoxic*
    62 – 17 rawbone* / extricable
    63 – 17 renewable / exotoxic*
    64 – 17 waxable* / ecocentric
    65 – 16 waxable* / ecotarian*
    66 – 17 waxable* / electronic
    67 – 18 waxable* / electronica
    68 – 19 waxable* / electrotonic
    69 – 17 waxable* / exocentric
    70 – 17 wirable* / exocentric

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