Letter Boxed September 20, 2022 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed September 20, 2022 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


22 thoughts on “Letter Boxed September 20, 2022 Answers”

    1. (Replying to your 12:32 comment) Say ‘whomever’ to whomever you like -at your own peril; would it be fair to paraphrase it like that? 🙂 On a serious note, I consider abiding by your advice.

      1. If you listen for it, Whomever jumps out, and it quickly becomes apparent that it’s always wrong. It seems natural, spontaneous English syntax disfavors sentences structured for its correct use.
        “I’m voting for Whomever my friends think is best” – Wrongo!
        “I’m voting for Whomever my friends recommend“ – Correct, but pedantic jerkery!
        So you’re better served by just saying Whoever every time, or even better, by simply avoiding the words entirely: “I’m voting for the guy my friends recommend.” “I’m voting for the guy my friends think is the best.” English gets along just fine without either word.
        This brings up another problem with English: the natural use of “you” instead of the frankly pedantic “one”. It makes things sound personal when they’re not, but using “one” creates problems of its own, setting up labyrinthian sentences.

  1. Like others I’ve been stunted the past few days. Toponym – really? Sexology, okay. And Diaphragm shame on me, but glad to get the official in rather short order. On to my day 🙂

  2. Official and not so quickly. But I got it so there. I’m also glad to hear that others have been stumped of late. I hope that this puzzle is helping to keep my mind nimble but sometimes I feel the ossification has begun….

  3. Gave up after I couldn’t figure out how to connect any of the following: PALPITATION, UNIONIZATION, PAGEANT, UTILIZATION, JOLTING

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