Letter Boxed September 16, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed September 16, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


31 thoughts on “Letter Boxed September 16, 2024 Answers”


    pawkier, in pawky, adj. Scottish, English regional (northern), and Irish English. Artful, sly, shrewd; arch, roguish; jaunty. Now usually: having or showing a sardonic sense…

    rhyton, n. A type of drinking vessel, often in the form of an animal's head, with an opening at the top for filling and one or more holes at the bottom through…

    HAWK—KRYPTONITE, great TI in OA.

    1. An excellent alternative to the OA, Mark! For my part, I stopped as soon as I found the OA, which made me chuckle.
      Hawk Kryptonite – Lex Luther’s side hustle.

      1. Thanks Bernie. I knew RHYTON from some long-ago LB. Maybe not in an OA, but in some solution(s). I did not expect PAWKIER to work, and I didn’t even know its meaning initially.

        I meant to add to your comment to Alicia on 9/15. I agree. A little time invested in LB pays dividends. It opens doors. For me personally it has expanded my vocabulary, which I look back on now as a gift from the game, in addition to the camaraderie in our community. 👍

      1. I forgot all about that search feature. It would be neat to search back and find the highest count of words making up official LB solves. I’m betting that there are ones (like kryptonite) that get used a lot since they have unique letter combinations that just aren’t that common.

    1. Radioactive Flower

      I was caught off-guard by the OA. Saw HAWKER. It didn’t occur to me that the second word in the OA would start with K.

      1. Found IRONWORKER, HYPANTHIA, REAWAKEN, WORKPRINT, etc., but just can’t connect anything. There are several -PATHY words, but the O and P are next to each other.

  2. Didn’t we have Kryptonite recently?

    Tried PAPERWORK, PAINTWORK, and HAWKEYE to no avail.

    Had hopes for WORKPRINT THAYE (an Indian word) but had to settle for

    the chewy KITH HYPERON NAW

  3. Failed, settled for 3w’s: WOKEN NAPHTHA AIRY 16/3, or INTERPRET THROWAWAY YAK 21/3, or slightly longer with Awoken or Reinterpret. Also 3w: HYPER REAWAKEN NOTORIETY 22/3, NAPHTHA AWOKE ENTIRETY 20/3. Had hopes for PROTOTYPE etc. but to no avail.

  4. Frustrated and gave up…

    Close with
    Paintwork – Key (no H)
    Kythe is a word but wouldn’t work

    Also found… Throwaway,
    Penwork, Airphone, Reawaken, Thornier

  5. There were 3 solutions today.

    Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 14 hawk / kryptonite
    2 – 13 pawkier / rhyton
    3 – 14 rikwa / anthotype

    4 – 18 hairwork* / kryptonite
    5 – 16 typhonian* / network
    6 – 18 typhonian* / networker
    7 – 18 typhonian* / nonworker

  6. Failed too. Got too one directional with hawker and did not think of using hawk. May have caught kryptonite if I took a step back with the -er.
    Got paintwork, workprint, tried very long with these but h and y were too pesky to solve.

  7. Another fail. Tried forever with PAINTWORK and WORKPRINT like others. My B.S. senses started tingling after that so I gave up. Don’t think I ever would’ve gotten it — I guess thinking to search for comic-book-derived terms is my KRYPTONITE. 🦸‍♂️

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