Letter Boxed September 07, 2022 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed September 07, 2022 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


29 thoughts on “Letter Boxed September 07, 2022 Answers”

  1. I would like to argue for this 14-2.
    (Zoanthrope– one who suffers zoanthropy– is a perfectly acceptable word.

    1. You’re bang on the money, Jill. I tried that out as well (to no avail). I lost count of the words I had disallowed (even today), and see no point in further reporting on them. Guess we have to bite the bullet and play within that -obviously flawed- structure, as part of the deal…

  2. PHILANTHROPIZE – EVE, a hefty 17/2. The letter distribution proved absolutely diabolical to me, and nothing seemed to be working unless or until I dug deep into my Greek reserves -again.

    1. Same answer here, Sota21. One letter better than the official answer, although the official has more thematic pop. DW’s Epithet Trivialization has that in spades, encapsulating the social media swamp….

      1. …and, picking up on this precise point, emphasize how privileged I, too (like yourself), feel that this (apart from a bunch of contacts & a couple of groups on WhatsApp) is the single, solitary social media entity I have ever indulged in being a part of -and thank heavens for both.

        1. When alien archaeologists determine why our civilization collapsed, I have no doubt Facebook and Twitter will feature prominently.

  3. Got nowhere today. I guessed I needed to use *IZE or *IZATION but that is not easy for us people on this side of the Atlantic!

    1. agreed, was able to come up with PHILANTHROPE and REVITALIZE but really needed ize for the first and ization for the second to make it work :’)

    2. On the plus side, the puzzlemasters accept both American and British spellings of such words – Civilization / Civilisation, eg.

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