Letter Boxed October 31, 2023 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed October 31, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


32 thoughts on “Letter Boxed October 31, 2023 Answers”

  1. Yup, there’s Zombie, as anticipated for Halloween (but admittedly found only after the equally thematic Demonize / Demonized failed to pair).
    Excellent OA, loaded with TI even without the holiday tie-in. Truth in advertising – the drink ain’t called a Zombie for nothing.

      1. Even MORIBUND was in there, which is apt for Halloween and so I definitely thought I was onto something. This one took me a while.

  2. I am somewhat new to this thread, may I ask – what does TI stand for?

    OA is “original answer” I surmise, is that right?

    Kind regards from Sweden

      1. Oh, and yes, OA is “original answer,” and PSW is “playable Scrabble word.” LB uses an odd word list that excludes a lot of PSWs and includes a lot of non-PSWs, so some of us prefer to play by the Scrabble list.

        1. Clearly I need more coffee, as I could have done this all in one message. Anyway, if you see someone post a solution with an asterisk, that word was a PSW but LB didn’t not accept it.

  3. Monk bird not accepted. The horror.


    I did not see drunk or drunker.

    Defeminized, uniformed and demonized did not work out.

  4. OA happily accepted, with excellent TI!
    I was also taken with KUDZU – UNIFORMED, which can be an all-too-accurate visual for gardening in the South. . .aside from the little matter of a B left dangling uselessly behind.

  5. OA finally after giving up on MODERNIZE, DEFEMINIZE, BUNKBED, KOMBI – which led me to ZOMBIE and lo and behold, another word I have never used before – ZOMBIFIED. Not a big fan of zombi movies, but kudos to Mr. Ezersky for some TI!

  6. ZOMBIFIED – DUNKER for me today.

    Figured the Z would be used in an ~IZE word, and went through a number of them looking for a solution. As soon as I saw ZOMBIE I knew it had to be part of a Halloween-themed OA and ZOMBIFIED jumped right out. Little miffed I didn’t see DRUNK in the leftovers though, could’ve saved a letter.

    Instead I will imagine an undead Air Jordan. 🧟🏀

  7. OA after an age messing with the likes of Firebombed, Firebird, Memorized, Modernized etc.

    Lucky to get the OA because I wanna spell it zombiefied 🙁

    1. my smoke detectors freaked out at 3 am and i’ve been up trying to get this since. I just got the same as you, and there’s nowhere to gloat.

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