Letter Boxed October 26, 2023 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed October 26, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


72 thoughts on “Letter Boxed October 26, 2023 Answers”

    1. I was so happy with the TI on my three word answer that I stopped there, and now I’m jealous of your find!

  1. unlocks / scimitars
    ruminators / sculk
    ruminants / stocklist
    romantic / caulks
    rimrocks / sultan
    multicolor / rainstick

    1. COSMONAUTS–SKIRL was my solution. SKIRL was a new word to me, and a great example of what one can come up with when they just start tossing letters around.

        1. I enjoy your challenges, RL! They remind me of Keyword, a daily puzzle in the Washington Post. Check it out, Y’all! It’s just hard enough to put you in a good mood when you get it, and (usually) only takes a minute or two to solve.

          1. And then there’s ALIOW, “at least it’s over with”, for when you finally find a two-word solution but it’s not all that.

    1. Hah! Same here. The organic stuff is probably better–or at least more expensive.
      Really wanted AROMATIC-Cornsilk to work. But U know how it goes. . .

  2. Animal Kingdom

    Mammals: Ainu (dog), Akita, Cat, Coati, Loris, Marmot, Miki, Muskrat, Raccoon, Rat, Stoat, Takin, Tamarin, Uakari

    Reptiles: Caiman, Cantil, Krait, Mollusk, Tuatara

    Phylum Mollusca: Mollusk, Nautilus, Snail

    Amphibians: Olm

    1. And I’m sure DW can add to the bird list:

      Cockatoo, Common Loon, Cormorant, Cuckoo, Kauaʻiʻōʻō, Skua, Stork, Turaco.


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