Letter Boxed October 25, 2021 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed October 25, 2021 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


12 thoughts on “Letter Boxed October 25, 2021 Answers”

  1. Got a much better, 14/2 answer:
    Agued – Downright. (“Agued” as in stricken with fever, nicely Shakespearean….) Anybody find a 13/2 answer?
    Weird official answer, no? A whopping 18/2, and even by its own lights, why Undaunted instead of just Daunted, for 16/2?

    1. I went with (15/2) undergrowth – huai (it’s a bird from New Zealand)… kinda surprised that second word was accepted though… I’m new to playing, so still trying to figure out which words count.

    2. I have been AGUED trying to make something work with UNDERGROWTH, the leftovers (AI) just can’t be used. Time for a coffee.

      1. Bummer! I get it, though – Undergrowth is just too good to give up on. I know it’s a mistake to fall in love with The Perfect Word, but I do it all the time myself.

    3. Could you please explain what the x/y numbers mean in these posts? I’m puzzled, no pun intended. Is there a scoring piece I’ve missed?

      Also would love any strategy hints you might share. Do you work with paper and pencil or just in your head?

      I usually try to start with looking for the second word – one which ends w the most difficult letter…such a ‘y’. Do you do this?

      Sad to say I always beat the target number but never get down to two words. Sigh,

      1. Quick explainer: the X/Y formula = total number of letters used in the answer / number of words used. Thus “14/2” means a two-word answer with 14 total letters. There are 12 letters in each puzzle, so the minimum total of letters for a two-word answer is 13 (because the last letter of the first word repeats at the start of the next word). For the same reason, the minimum total of letters for a three-word answer is 14.
        My private rule (shared, I think, by most commenters here), is that the total number of letters outweighs the total number of words, so that a 14/3 answer is superior to a 15/2 answer but inferior to a 14/2 answer.
        Re strategy, I’m too cheap to pay for a subscription, so I only get one play per day, so I generally try out different words and see if they’re accepted, carefully crafting a final answer by moving back and forth from potential first word to potential second word and using the Restart button extensively. I don’t want to complete the puzzle prematurely with an unsatisfactory answer, since I only get one try per day.
        Hope that helps. If nothing else, it will give you an idea of the amount of time it’s possible to waste on these puzzles, depending on the severity of one’s OCD!

    4. I got agued, as well. What’s especially weird about undaunted, is that last week in spelling bee, “daunted” was a solution but “undaunted” wasn’t. These two words clearly should be switched between these two puzzles. It is the same author isn’t it?

  2. I had WHITER-RUNG-GOAD. So, 14/3 and better than the official but boneheaded solution. Wasn’t undaunted rejected but the puzzle maker about ten days ago?

      1. I vaguely recall that Unindicted was rejected recently (an outrage!), but maybe it was Undaunted another time. Perhaps the puzzler makers learn from experience.

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