Letter Boxed November 24, 2023 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed November 24, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


36 thoughts on “Letter Boxed November 24, 2023 Answers”

  1. WHELM MULTIPLAYER. Touche with the OA, dont think i wouldve thought that far. A lot of -THERAPY, H/WEALTHIER tested to no avail

    1. I puzzled with MULTILAYER for a good while before it dawned on me that I could just absorb that ‘P.’ At that point, it was pretty much over.

    1. So often find myself in this position! Just revisted and TRIUMPHAL when you have it really looks like it should be part of the solution….

      Of course the 3 remaining letters just don’t work 🙁

  2. multiplayer / rewhirl
    therewithal / lumpy
    whelm / multiplayer
    wherewithal / lumpy
    multiwire / empathy
    parahelium / multiway

  3. Some 3 word solutions:
    heat / twirl / lumpy
    twirl / lumpy / yeah
    warp / pulpit / thyme
    welt / triumph / hay
    whelp / parity / yum
    wilt / therapy / yum
    wreath / hip / plumy

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