Letter Boxed November 23, 2023 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed November 23, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


47 thoughts on “Letter Boxed November 23, 2023 Answers”

  1. I thought I would repost last year’s “thanksgiving” poem, which uses only thirteen letters– the twelve from that day’s LB, plus ’n’: acefim(n)oprstu
    Giving thanks to all of you.

    24 November 2022

    1. (first)
    Praise! epicurious screamfests*
    on semiotic cusps as potent
    as turmeric or primrose stems,
    as fine as fescue, as ancient
    as Ur; as scrumptious as pomfret or trout.
    Our curator roams atop permafrost,
    a ruse to outperform mimicries,*
    or proffer priorities:
    “If fretsome, espouse erotica** as prosaic
    as an Orca’s spermous spasm, or as runic
    as curious spirits in a storm.”

    2. (afore)
    Irate emeritus sceptics, suspicious**
    of improprieties (or meritorious factors),
    feast on timorous perpetuities,
    copies of some apomictic creatures. Soft**
    furies smote suspicious**
    forfeiture. In mimetic opacities,
    our preposterous script ripens.

    3. (after)
    A capricious screamer refuses**
    a prostitute’s scorn,
    a protestor’s prose,
    a sorcerer’s scam–
    refutes our semi-pious future plan.
    So: are America’s surfeit torpors**
    a pernicious Faustian feast,
    or an untrue utopian tease?

    4. (postscript)
    An auspicious surfer recaptures some***
    ancient totems, repairs
    a foremast, remaps
    a forest, rescripts
    our stormiest escapes into
    (in)famous scripture.*
    Praise! A picture of Protean rescue, at sea.

    * a few of our group’s two-word solutions
    ** some three-word solutions

  2. OA in short order. Clearing up any lingering questions as to whether Sam considers TI at all . . .

    Good food and good company to you today, Thanksgiving celebrant or not.

  3. Lots of solutions today, with some overlapping, it seems. Found TURKEY right away, too, but had a hunch there’d be others.
    AMONGST–TURKEYS (sorry, but it does work better with plural birds; plus, if you knew my family . . . )

  4. There were 83 unique 2-word solutions today. Here are a few…
    unmortgages / sky
    unkeys / strongarm
    skymarks / sturgeon
    munga / akaryotes
    tongues / skymark
    ryokan / nutmegs
    argonauts / smokey
    amtraks / synagogue
    amongst / turkeys

  5. So close, I got AMONG and also TURKEY or TURKEYS (thought the OA might include TURKEY for US Thanksgiving) but somehow missed AMONGST. Got a 14/2 answer: TONGUES SKYMARK and several nice 3w ones too.

  6. Some 3-word solutions…
    Here are a few of the over 260,000 three word solutions

    aeons / smoky / yogurt
    eon / nutmegs / snarky
    ages / storms / skunky
    agog / gymnast / turkey
    agony / yurts / smoke
    among / gamest / turkeys
    \arms / strongest / turkey
    aroma / amongst / turkeys
    aunt / turkeys / smog
    gamest / turkey / yon
    gaunt / turkeys / smoke
    got / turkeys / seaman
    gongs / smart / turkey
    maga / astronaut / turkey
    mans / strongest / turkey
    mango / onset / turkey

  7. Tongues Skygram*, otherwise Anagrams Smokey Yurt.

    *Not a word here (or even a word really) but I like it.

    A little surprised I didn’t have OA. Had Turkey, suspected Amongst but never bothered to check!

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