Letter Boxed November 15, 2023 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed November 15, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


35 thoughts on “Letter Boxed November 15, 2023 Answers”

    1. Likewise. Odd image.


        1. For awhile there Smith was thinking you were going to say Incorrect, to which he would have replied “MULTIROLE GUACAMOLE”! 😉

  1. OA today. It’s clumsy but since I couldn’t be bothered to do beter I shouldn’t complain.

    Glad to see there are far better answers 🙂

    1. Same.
      flowmeter was the first word I found, and convinced there was something to be made of it, but I had to keep coming back to it find the last part.

  2. OA, ho-hum. Ran through Wildflower, Method, Remedial, Twofold, Warmth, Worldlier, Demiworld (rejected), Worthier, Mealworm, Flatworm, Earthworm… Happy to see others managed to pair Earthworm and Flatworm! Way to go, DHW and Murray!

  3. Dime-earthflow was accepted. I have never heard of earthflow but I was desperate. I gave up on Earthworm, deflowered, mildew, twofold, demiworld, threadier, wildflower.

  4. Mammals:
    Aidi, Dire Wolf, Fallow Deer, Ferret, Hare, Harrier* (dog), Otter, Rat Terrier, Red Deer, Red Wolf, Roe Deer, Terrier, Wolf

    Amphibians: Olm
    Reptiles: Death Adder

    * Ha! DW may be reporting this one in the Bird list. Interesting. ☕

  5. OA again. Starts to feel eerie, getting the OA several times in a row. I keep waiting for Twilight Zone music. . .

    OTOH, I’m feeling more secure knowing that DHW has the answer for an invasion of leafy wigglers. 🙂

  6. Three word solutions:
    farm / mildew / worth
    flawed / dorm / mirth
    flirt / thaw / wormed
    flow / warmth / hide
    froth / harm / mildew
    mild / defeat / throw
    thief / flaw / wormed
    wealth / hid / deform
    width / half / formed

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