Letter Boxed November 12, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed November 12, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


37 thoughts on “Letter Boxed November 12, 2024 Answers”


    With the Y,V,Z on the same side along with a B, I knew I was in trouble!

    I found VIOLINIST, BLITZING, OBLIVIOUSLY, and OBVIOUSLY, but could not connect them. I finally found STYLIZING and has to work backward. It will be interesting to see how many other pairs are found today in this difficult array.

    1. Hey Bill – similar for me, i looked at Blitzing and Blintz, and then
      Obviously/Obliviously but of course couldn’t find a pair.

      Then i tried a few words that look Yiddish to me (Touzling, Gintz, etc) but those were rejected by LB.

      Then after looking at Styling/Stylizing i realized i could work backwards with Obvious/Oblivious.

      My impression is that LB will often make an “LY” or even “ILY” suffix available but also not pairable. And i am very greedy and i want to use up as many letters on the first word i find, i’ll latch onto the suffix and then waste time not finding a pair, like today.

      1. That’s exactly my MO as well. I always want to use up as many letters as I can. I also tend to fall into the trap of finding long suffixes (-ATION) that result in lots of words but that all have similar leftovers that ultimately can’t connect. Those 9/10 letter words look impressive and I have trouble giving them up!

        1. Saw Obvious(ly)/Oblivious right off the jump. It took literal hours after that before I saw Stylizing. There were really not many words available with this array of letters. It’s pretty frustrating until I finally end of the two day losing streak. One interesting thing is that while LB is generally pretty liberal in terms of Yiddish words, YUTZ is not accepted.

    2. I tried BLITZING, found OBVIOUSLY, then figured dropping the LY would leave me with an S for starting second word. Bingo! OA

    3. Stumped for the fourth day in a row.

      I found STYLIZING but I was OBLIVIOUS to the OBVIOUS second word. I had to settle for a 4 word solution.

      Better luck tomorrow.

        1. Same with Blitzing, and also Blintz, but Stylizing quickly came to the rescue, and than Obvious / Oblivious Stylizing (Ru Paul, Madonna). I doubt there are other solutions.

  2. Good morning.
    It looks like there’s only two pairs, but we’ll see later today:

    Some anagrams (unchecked):

    Some palindromes (unchecked):

  3. oa took a while. Wanted to do something with izing saw stylus,led to stylizing. Then the solve was obvious.or I could’ve been oblivious

  4. VIOLINIST/S got me nowhere. Found OBVIOUSLY but somehow didn’t think to try OBVIOUS. Missed STYLIZING, found other -ings including SIZING. Found two 3w’s: ZITO OBVIOUSLY YOUNG, and OBVIOUSLY YOGINIS SITZ, which might have TI (Thematic Integrity) of sorts. Yoga practitioners soak in a bath afterwards?

  5. Here is the full list. No Scrabble words today

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 18 oblivious / stylizing
    2 – 16 obvious / stylizing

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