Letter Boxed November 07, 2023 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed November 07, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


42 thoughts on “Letter Boxed November 07, 2023 Answers”

    1. Same here.

      Does a happy dance because Meadow Worthful is so close to the OA but also SO much better. Had Wrathful and didn’t like it!

  1. OA here. I actually like the TI, as when nature finally turns on us. Watch out for that rabbit, it’ll rip your head right off! (Talk about a bad bunny, not to mention wildlife!)

  2. A quick OA (ho-hum). These constrained arrays are so dull.

    In other news, the Wordle Bot made an error today. In analyzing my moves, it said there was only one word left after my second move. Actually, there were two! I just so happened to pick the right one. You would think the bot would know its own word list.


      1. I just ‘love’ it when WB tells me “if you’d have guessed [the actual answer], you’d have narrowed it down to just one.”

    1. I think I must have come up with the same word that you did. How could the program accept the word, but then not list it as a possibility. Oh well – nice to know humans can still outsmart AI 🙂

    2. I exchanged emails with someone who worked on Wordlebot at the NYT back when they did a big update on it that made it much less useful — apparently Wordlebot no longer knows the Wordle list, and instead has compiled its own list of “possible” words based on analyzing decades of word usage in the NYT and deeming how “likely” a word is to appear in a Wordle puzzle based on that data. Their reasoning was that it was “unfair” for Wordlebot to know the Wordle list if users don’t. As if being able to analyze a century’s worth of NYT newspapers is somehow more fair… 🙄

      Ever since then Wordlebot’s analysis has been much less useful because it will flag many words as being possible when they aren’t (past-tense/plural words, for instance). Not sure what would account for it discounting a valid word, though… 🤔

    3. there are lots (and lots) of words that are acceptable to the game wordle that the wordlebot does not consider legitimate answers.

      Most recently I had it in the game where the answer was eventually phony.
      I had it as
      FROTH << ~~24 words left
      SHOAL << ~~7 words left
      PHONE <<~~1 word left
      PHONO<<~~score zero. not a valid answer, despite being a valid wordle guess 1 word left
      PHONY<<~~the answer

      Phono is a word. Phono is in world's dictionary, but phono cannot be the answer to a wordle. That's the bot's reasoning for giving me a zero and not considering it a possibility.

      1. another recent example (but mostly me exposing my own poor play)
        Answer is UNTIL

        NERDY <<~~leaves 213
        SALON <<~~leaves 16
        FLING <<~~leaves just 1
        LINCH <<~~not valid, leaves still one
        UNLIT <<~~no, stupid, the L in salon invalidates this one
        UNTIL <<~~ got it in 6

  3. OA = ants in your pants.
    Once, while preparing a fallow field to become a community football pitch, I unknowingly mowed over a tremendous column of safari ants and then ran out of gas. When I came back to refuel I stood directly in the roiling mass of raging pheromones. I didn’t know until they began to bite suddenly and seemingly in unison… Many helpful strangers saw me dance naked that day, and I knew the wrath of the meadow.

    1. That happened to me once too, on a smaller scale. There’s a species in the US desert southwest, I don’t know their proper name but, they will fight back when their space is disturbed. 🐜

  4. Not a “singular” day today, and I learned two new words, damewort and tamworth.




  5. The OA is 2 real words. Mine is one real word (meadow) and then a word people don’t actually say (worthful).
    I had worthful first, and then got meadow, with the understanding that worthful is really only tenuously a word.

  6. OA after giving both EARTHWORM and HEARTWORM some serious effort. Also went through DOLEFUL, THROWOUT, HEARTFUL and WORLDFUL.

    Had a similar ant experience with red ants on a putting green in FL. YOWZA! Fastest finish ever with a straight run into the pool fully clothed 🙂

  7. I just didn’t have the patience today. Worked with some great words but couldn’t put it together . Oh well, tomorrow is another day!

  8. Really wanted heartworm to work too. Oh well.

    Meadow— wrathful.

    Two words to describe the orcs’ visit to the shire.

  9. meadow / wrathful

    fumewort* / turtlehead
    damewort* / truthful
    meadwort* / throatful
    tamworth* / headful
    fathmur* / rowelhead*
    outwealth* / headframe*
    meadwort* / truthful

  10. Some three word solutions:
    earthworm / mad / doleful
    femur / roadhead / dwelt
    female / earthworm / mud
    formula / adult / thew
    matador / rueful / lowth
    meadow / waft / truthful

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