Letter Boxed November 07, 2022 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed November 07, 2022 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


79 thoughts on “Letter Boxed November 07, 2022 Answers”

    1. Czarinas Stoutly here as well. Lots of possibilities with this array! Looking for someone to make use of Crayons or Zircon. Jill used Zirconic but the puzzle wouldn’t accept it when I tried it…

      1. ZIRCONIC should have been accepted. It’s a real word. ZIRCONIAS – SULTRY should also have been accepted. This word list is endlessly frustrating. (I’m still traumatized by the fact that it doesn’t include CRAMPY!)

        1. I’m of two minds about rejected words.

          If Merriam Webster or Collins includes it, I go with it too.

          But if, on the other hand (for example), I find my search autocorrecting to two separate words, as it did with brick maker a couple of days ago, I accept defeat and move on.

          We love this game! I feel that when the accepted word list is genuinely flawed, we should hold our ground.

    1. This is a great solution! But I’m amazed that the word list includes CLAYCOURTS. To my mind, that ought to be two words, not one. 🤷‍♂️

  1. I finally worked out the official solution, after looking into stuff like CONTRAILS, INCRUST, CRUSTILY, INTRAZONAL, SAUCILY, LINOCUTS, CRAZILY, ZONARY, SNOUTY, ZIRCONIA, SULTRY, CLARITY, & various AUTO-s, ULTRA-s, OUT-s.

    1. INTRAZONAL is a good find. I knew there was something I could put before “zonal” (I thought maybe “trizonal”) but couldn’t find it. LINOCUTS is really nice too!

      Some random marginally “interesting” stuff I found before stumbling into officialdom includes:



    1. Nice use of INTRAZONAL, Geeb! In fact, I didn’t insist much on it, with the aftertaste of yesterday’s fruitless discussion over time zones & the like…

  2. Loving all the variations. I had a crazy day, so, instead of getting to ULTRASONIC – CRAZY before my last sip of coffee, I’ve just barely nailed it before my first sip of wine 🙂

  3. 11/8: WHEALING – GROUND 14/2. I’ll be reposting on the appropriate field as soon as it emerges -we’re still in a muddle with the timing, it seems…

    1. Plain old Rewarding Ghoul here. Still Trumpish, though.
      Also evokes Trick-or-Treaters, to hark back to Halloween.
      Aha, got it! A Trick-or-Treater dressed as 45!

    1. Didn’t get to the puzzle until late, but I got HOWLING – GAUDIER too. What’s up with date? And what was the official solution?

      1. Theme for : DOWNHAUL—LOWERING
        “Fix that rigging!” ⛵

        Not great, I know, but since I just learned that a DOWNHAUL is part of a sailboat, I had to stretch it. My paddleboard/kayak does not have that type of rigging. 😄

        Note to Website Administrators:
        From my view, the site has three issues:

        1. The date functionality is broken on the web forms. Or at least it’s lagging behind the current date.

        2. I occasionally get “Cannot Connect to Database”. I believe this too lies on your side.

        3. Sometimes I get “Your comment is awaiting moderation”, but then never returns.

        Please look into these issues as your site has provided good fun and collaboration amongst the game players. Thank you.

        1. Mark,
          As a sailor, I can tell you that DOWNHAUL – LOWERING is a truly evocative pair– bringing to mind the unexpected weathers that often occur under sail.
          With gale force gusts and lowering clouds approaching, we tighten the downhaul and beat upwind through choppy seas, under storm jib and reefed main.

  4. While waiting for the official to load I kept going today:

    ADORING – GUNWHALE; and my favorite
    LAUGHER – REWORDING -which describes my activity this morning!


    Like the lowering skulk of a groundhog hound
    Or the rounding obsession of Melville’s whaler,
    Today’s thread is a whealing ground
    In the harsh unpresence of some ghoulish dawdler.

    If you’re out there, hear our gaudier howling:
    On the seas of abandonment, our boom is downhauled
    Tacking through evermore wordier rehauling
    Gunwhales awash, a crew disenthralled.

    We beg you, cease this emotional wheal
    And tend once again our two-headed word duel.

    Signed (for us all), an adoring word-fool.

  6. It’s odd that there is no fix for today’s page. In case this site goes defunct, I will set up an alternative. Y’all are too much fun not to interact with. Keep an eye out here in case.

    1. I feel like Twitter would be a sufficient platform if we don’t mind creating accounts 😛 Though curious what you come up with~

    2. It’s not a first, however; when I run the full archive, I seem to remember a couple of dates missing, amirite -the Old Guard may back me up (looking at you, Bernie)?

  7. REWARDING GHOUL for me too. I got nervous when I couldn’t seem to share my answer. Let’s hope the site figures itself out.

  8. So that’s the official answer revealed, then, not without flaws itself though (the attached YouTube video wouldn’t load). Interesting to note that the number of words listed peaks at 7 letters…

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