Letter Boxed May 30, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed May 30, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


67 thoughts on “Letter Boxed May 30, 2024 Answers”

        1. Yay! A coffee meter! Better than I. Coffee long gone. One beer down before I found Hazelnut – Thinkably. But adding Zebu and Yuzu to my list!

          1. For me it was one wine down to find hazelnut thinkably. Just about to give up too and it came to me!

    1. Bravo! I found HAZELNUT, and I found THINKABLY, but for some reason didn’t connect them . Likewise with YUZU and UNTHINKABLE. Ended up with ZEBU and UNTHINKABLY

      1. Bernie Horowitz

        Had both “Zebu, Unthinkably”, and “Yuzu? Unthinkable!”Neither Indian cows nor Chinese fruit can possibly be in my garden!

    2. Same, though it took me a bit less – I hesitated because I didn’t think it would go for thinkably b/c it didn’t go for relaceable last night!

    3. HAZELNUT-THINKABLY for me too. Seems like a common one today. I was pretty happy to find UNTHINKABLE(Y) but couldn’t pair them because I didn’t know the words YUZU or ZEBU!

        1. Wow. You guys are pretty smart. I thought I was special pulling zebu somewhere out of the depths my Scrabble obsessed brain. Was really proud of myself for Zebu -Unthinkably. Thought there was a good chance I’d be the first one with that answer here. Not even close.


    I spent a lot of time with UNANALYZABLE.


  2. Radioactive Flower

    Word Play:

    (4-) (7-letters):

    (_ _ _y) (_ _ _ _ou_)

    Clue: Never lose your sense of wonder.

      1. Wrong? that’s a
        response considering it fits all the letters perfectly.

        I guess we will just have to:
        ..ay …ious

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, Sir Bill Duffin,

        🎉🎉 Yay!!! I’m happy you got the correct answer! Congrats! 👍👍

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey LWMMM,

        I’m curious about airplanes, medicines, tiny seeds into big plants, pregnancy, my very existence, why Jesus is Israeli not Filipino, why we can’t exist with ancient people, why we cannot know all the people on Earth…

        There are so many to be curious about…


    Mark, I just saw that you asked about yesterday’s birds. There were fewer than I expected: 🐦 ANI, CARACARA, COUCAL, CRANE, FALCON, NENE, RAIL, RAVEN, VANGA 🐦🐦 GALLINULE, GULL, LOGRUNNER, LOON, RUFF


    1. I was thinking there’d be more birds yesterday too, judging by how many words I found overall.

      For mammals today, besides the BAT and the ZEBU, I only found the BEA-TZU and the BEABULL. 🐶🐶

    for me as well, and I did Not expect it to be the OA.
    As for TI, i came up with:
    “For anyone on Lipitor”
    but I don’t know that to be true at all. It does apply to grapefruit – not good for people on statins.

    BTW: today’s LB rejects
    ELIZABETHAN, which uses up 9 of the letters, and is listed as a noun and a adjective in the OED.

    1. I was also disappointed ELIZABETHAN was rejected. Just the OA for me. YUZU is a repeat, though (YUZU-UNOBSERVANT, if I remember correctly).

    2. LB, annoyingly, rejects words that are capitalised. One of the recent puzzles could have been finished elegantly if only ‘Kafkaesque’ had been allowed.

  5. Another general question or note somewhat unrelated to LetterBox – I noticed that the panagram (DOGPILE) for yesterday’s SpellingBee, while included in most of the major online dictionaries, was not included in the Quinapulus online wordfinder which has seven dictionaries built into it. And one of those is SOWPODS which I thought was the Scrabble Wordfinder dictionary.
    But, interestingly enough the
    ScrabbleWordFinder.org site that Mark told us about does find “dogpile” – if you use the Scrabble UK (SOWPODS) dictionary, but not with the Scrabble US (TWL) or the Words with Friends (ENABLE) dictionaries.


    1. Got very distracted by yesterday SB. Is dogpiled not a thing Why is pigpile pig pile?

      Hazelnut right away today but unthinkably di not compute thinkable as a word. BETHEL LAZULI INKY was my settle for today

  6. Can’t believe I got both YUZU to work as a lead-in to UNTHINKABLY … AND for it to match the given OA.

    YUZU- a small, sour citrus used in Japanese cooking and is a cross between a mandarin and an ichang papeda (which is also an Asian fruit).

    1. Me too. Blanky (accepted) and Euthanize covered everything. But I couldn’t link them without Yike in the middle. Blanky Yike Euthanize: dark turn at the end. 😮

  7. Unthinkable Ethylize*

    LB doesn’t like. Well stuff LB and the buggered internet, I’m having a drink. It’s time to ethylize…

  8. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 17 hazelnut / thinkably
    2 – 15 yuzu / unthinkable
    3 – 18 zebu / unthinkability
    4 – 15 zebu / unthinkably

    5 – 19 babylike* / euthanatize*
    6 – 17 babylike* / euthanaze*
    7 – 17 babylike* / euthanize
    8 – 16 ketubah* / hyalinize*
    9 – 16 khutbah* / hyalinize*

  9. OA, though despite seeing YUZU early and UNTHINKABLE/UNTHINKABLY, it took a while for me to put them together. 🤷‍♂️

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