Letter Boxed May 27, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed May 27, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


101 thoughts on “Letter Boxed May 27, 2024 Answers”

    1. That’s what I got as well. Had Breadth before that, and despite being Jewish saw the potential for Homily – but no L. Had to look up what Hominy was. Still a relatively quick solve given the multitude of likely possibilities with -ation and -ition in play.

      1. Bernie Horowitz

        Two 13/2s for me: the OA Breadth Hominy (grits, three meals a day!) and Math Honeybird (the birds and the bees, it’s simple multiplication). Also found Birthday Yeoman / Yeomen (good work, birthday boy!), plus Birdbath Honeyman / Honeymen and Hydrometer Riband. I’m fresh out of TI for those.

        Did anyone see this? I only say Bs Aren’t R as a lark (so to speak). I never realized its seriousness of purpose! https://www.nytimes.com/audio/app/2024/05/16/16tnr-flock-of-lies.html?referringSource=sharing

    2. Same here! Came back to it this evening after several hours break and it popped out to me pretty quickly.

  1. My answer:

    i started by finding DAIRY and then DAIRYMEN which just left the letters BOTH but can’t connect the T to the O in BOTH, plus no “Linkletter” that I could see back to DAIRYMEN.
    So I started dreaming about honey but LB wouldn’t take HONEYDREAM but it did take HONEYBIRD. And HONEYBIRD just left MATH.

    Honeybirds are real African birds, I saw some in Uganda last millennium:

    Also – Hominy, in the OA, is good too. Y’all should eat some real soon!

    1. Two more solutions:
      it’s what cicadas do – and yes, LB bought “myriadth”!

      LB doesn’t like “nomady”, but it’s in the Collins online dictionary.

        1. Tried that as well! And a couple of other made up ones like Nomadry and Nomadery. To no avail! Thankfully I stumbled on Birthday -Yeoman relatively quickly.

    2. MATH-HONEYBIRD too.

      Tried moneybird going it was a real thing I could find one day then saw honey then only math left over.

  2. A general note to everyone – we just finished a tornado warning where I’m at now ( the watch continues for a few more hours).
    But while playing with my weather app I see where the Philippines were hit by a severe typhoon over this past weekend. I think Radioactive Flower (RF) is from there. So I hope everything is okay for RF and family.

    Most of y’all probably know about it already, but I don’t have a tv here and just found out about this typhoon.


    1. Radioactive Flower

      Mr.McBEE 🐝,

      Keep safe there. We just had rains here in Cebu. The typhoon is in the Luzon area.
      Monsoon season is coming up but we just had a sweltering summer. The hottest in my entire experience of all summers.
      But, I still like it though. I always love bright skies. It’s kite season too…


      1. Cool 😎 – glad y’all are okay.
        Tornado warning and watch are over with here and now I am looking for the nearest Memorial Day service …

  3. A note for Mark:
    thanks for replying my comment yesterday about Spruik and the dictionaries!
    I added some more at “8:32am” (UST?) but you might not see it unless you go back to yesterday’s blog.

    BUT: after I did that I found this article that outlines when and where (geographically) we should use the word Spruik and when to use Tout.

    1. Apologies for piggybacking, but did anyone else notice that LB accepted PRIUS yesterday?
      I didn’t have time to leave a comment at the time, but I promise, it went through.

      1. OED definition: prius, n.
        Something which takes precedence; something prior or antecedent; the necessary prior condition of something.

        And I thought it was a made-up word like Camry 🙂

        1. Okay, so now I just had to check out the definition of “Camry”, so I used my usual trick of searching
          “camry definition oed”
          and in DDG there was nothing – no results. Zero!
          But when I took DDG’s suggestion of “what is the definition of camry” there’s a ton of results – this article from Toyota UK themselves talks about the meaning of many of their model names:

          BUT – for the name “Camry” itself, that seems to date back to before 1880!
          One DDG result from Ancestry said there were 4 Camry families living in Ohio in 1880 and that was 50% of something not shown, presumably the number in all of the US. So, Toyota didn’t invent the name Camry. I would say that it was the staff at Ellis Island, but they didn’t start operations until 1892.
          There are still some people in the US with the last name “Camry” but it does seem to be a rare surname.

    1. Same find! They go together like a horse and carriage! Found BREADTH, BROADBAND, NOMINATE and HYDROMETER, but no pairs 🙁

  4. Christopher Stewart

    Hydrobromination* – Net

    Super efficient solution (and chemical process) but not LB friendly.

  5. Birdbath Honeyman. Efficiency is down but it’s cute.

    Internet is shot. We are attached to the rest of the world via Austtralia and a piece of string 🙁

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, Mr.SAJID,

        Double thumbs up! 👍👍

        You got it! DARLING, indeed! Yay!!!

        P.S. Actually, I have no 🍯, coz I have no 💸.


        1. Radioactive Flower

          Hey, Sir BILL DUFFIN,

          YES! Absolutely. Wow! You got it! 🤓🤗Double thumbs up! 👍👍

          OPTIMAL – LUCRATIVE, indeed.

      Unless the opportunity is embezzling from a wealthy man, I don’t imagine it’s the OA.

  6. Radioactive Flower

    Wow! There are a lot of wonderful solutions that I missed. Kudos to all who found them.


    Really wanted to get it in ONE with ‘Thermodynamic’ but couldn’t pursuade that B to change into a C, thermodynamically or otherwise.

  8. Knew there would be lots of solutions today – YAY!

    Couldn’t pair ABOMINATION, BIRTHDAY, MONEYMAN or HIBERNATION but did come up with:

    For those of you in the states, Happy Memorial Day.

  9. Hydrometer – Robinia and Metatherian – Nobody — Love the TI on that one! So many great words today!

  10. Breadth Hominy after a few tries with hydrometer where I couldn’t make the “I” work . Surprised not many OAs today, but I like the abundance of solutions.

  11. Another BIRTHDAY – YEOMAN after fizzling out on many promising words, including HYDROMETER, HOMEBODY, HYDRATION. Glad to see people found pairings for some of them!

    1. Oops, not HYDRATION, forgot the R and A were on the same side (which led me to HYDROMETER in the first place.)

  12. Another one for HYDROMETER, RIBAND. Quite quick for me. I tried ANIMATION, but couldn’t find a pairing.

  13. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 20 abhinaya / admonitioner
    2 – 17 abhinaya / adorement
    3 – 15 amoeba / anhydrite
    4 – 18 anhydrite / entamoeba
    5 – 19 anhydrite / entamoebae
    6 – 16 atheroma / antibody
    7 – 18 bathymeter / reordain
    8 – 17 behind / dynamometer
    9 – 18 birdbath / heteronomy
    10 – 17 birdbath / heteronym
    11 – 16 birdbath / honeyman
    12 – 16 birdbath / honeymen
    13 – 15 birthdate / emoney
    14 – 17 birthdate / ethnonym
    15 – 14 birthday / yeoman
    16 – 14 birthday / yeomen
    17 – 16 birthday / yeomanry
    18 – 16 boatmen / ninhydrin
    19 – 16 bohemia / anhydrite
    20 – 13 boma / anhydrite
    21 – 17 bonehead / dynamiter
    22 – 13 breadth / hominy
    23 – 18 dayboat / theobromine
    24 – 15 dayboat / theremin
    25 – 15 dayboat / thermion
    26 – 15 dayboat / thirdmen
    27 – 19 dayboat / tithonometer
    28 – 15 dominant / thereby
    29 – 17 dynamiter / rehoboam
    30 – 18 dynamometer / rebirth
    31 – 20 dynamometer / rebirther
    32 – 21 enantiodromia / abhinaya
    33 – 18 entamoeba / anhydrite
    34 – 16 homebird / dynamite
    35 – 17 homebird / dynamiter
    36 – 19 homebird / dynamometer
    37 – 18 homebirth / hyaenodon
    38 – 17 honeybird / dominant
    39 – 17 honeybird / dominate
    40 – 19 honeybird / domination
    41 – 16 honeybird / dormant
    42 – 15 honeybird / dreamt
    43 – 18 honeybird / dreamteam
    44 – 17 honeybird / dynamite
    45 – 18 honeybird / dynamiter
    46 – 20 honeybird / dynamometer
    47 – 15 hydria / abominate
    48 – 15 hydria / abhorment
    49 – 16 hydriae / entamoeba
    50 – 17 hydriae / entamoebae
    51 – 17 hydrometeor / riband
    52 – 18 hydrometeor / robinia
    53 – 19 hydrometeor / reobtain
    54 – 16 hydrometer / riband
    55 – 17 hydrometer / robinia
    56 – 18 hydrometer / reobtain
    57 – 13 math / honeybird
    58 – 17 metatherian / nobody
    59 – 19 montbretia / anhydrite
    60 – 16 thirdman / nabobery
    61 – 16 thirdmen / nabobery
    62 – 19 moeritheria / antibody
    63 – 18 moeritheria / anybody
    64 – 14 aboma / anhydrite
    65 – 17 adynamia / abhorment
    66 – 18 babydom / metatherian
    67 – 15 bioherm / metadyne
    68 – 19 etheromania / antibody
    69 – 18 etheromania / anybody
    70 – 20 aetheromania / antibody
    71 – 19 aetheromania / anybody
    72 – 17 monobath / honeybird
    73 – 15 monobath / hydriae
    74 – 17 moribana / anhydrite
    75 – 16 morindone / eyebath
    76 – 19 myriadth / hibernation
    77 – 17 myriadth / honeybird

    78 – 17 abdomina* / abernethy*
    79 – 17 abdomina* / anhydrite
    80 – 18 abominate / enhydrite*
    81 – 16 amoebae / enhydrite*
    82 – 18 anhydrite / endamoeba*
    83 – 19 anhydrite / endamoebae*
    84 – 18 atheromata* / antibody
    85 – 21 bandyman* / norethindrone
    86 – 21 bandymen* / norethindrone
    87 – 15 bathometer* / rindy
    88 – 19 bayman* / norethindrone
    89 – 19 baymen* / norethindrone
    90 – 15 beath* / hydromania*
    91 – 17 behind / dynamometry*
    92 – 17 beneath / hydromania*
    93 – 15 berth / hydromania*
    94 – 14 beth / hydromania*
    95 – 16 birdbath / homodyne*
    96 – 18 birdbath / honeymonth*
    97 – 17 birthdom* / manometry
    98 – 13 birthdom* / meany
    99 – 17 birthdom* / momentany*
    100 – 16 birthdom* / moneyman
    101 – 15 birthdom* / myrbane
    102 – 17 birthname* / endodyne*
    103 – 13 bodyman* / nither
    104 – 20 bodyman* / norethindrone
    105 – 16 bonamia* / anhydrite
    106 – 17 breadth / hydromania*
    107 – 16 breath / hydromania*
    108 – 16 bromate / enhydrite*
    109 – 18 brominate / enhydrite*
    110 – 20 byreman* / norethindrone
    111 – 19 dayboat / theatromania*
    112 – 20 daydreamt* / theobromine
    113 – 16 daynt* / theobromine
    114 – 16 domatia* / abernethy*
    115 – 14 domatia* / abhenry*
    116 – 19 drybeat* / theatromania*
    117 – 18 drybeat* / theobromine
    118 – 16 drybeat* / theomania*
    119 – 15 drybeat* / thermion
    120 – 22 enantiodromia / abernethy*
    121 – 20 enantiodromia / abhenry*
    122 – 18 endamoeba* / anhydrite
    123 – 19 endamoebae* / enhydrite*
    124 – 19 endometria* / abernethy*
    125 – 17 endometria* / abhenry*
    126 – 18 enhydrite* / endamoeba*
    127 – 19 enhydrite* / endamoebae*
    128 – 18 enhydrite* / entamoeba
    129 – 19 enhydrite* / entamoebae
    130 – 19 entamoebae / enhydrite*
    131 – 15 ethnonym / maybird*
    132 – 17 eyebath / hydromania*
    133 – 16 heathbird* / doryman
    134 – 16 heathbird* / dorymen
    135 – 15 heathbird* / dynamo
    136 – 20 heathbird* / dynamometer
    137 – 20 heathbird* / dynamometry*
    138 – 17 heathendom / maybird*
    139 – 17 hebdomad* / dynamiter
    140 – 13 herma* / antibody
    141 – 16 heteronym / maybird*
    142 – 17 hibernation / nomady*
    143 – 13 homebird / daynt*
    144 – 17 homebird / drybeaten*
    145 – 17 homebird / dynameter*
    146 – 19 homebird / dynamometry*
    147 – 16 homebird / dynatron*
    148 – 18 homebirth / hornyhead*
    149 – 19 homebirth / hydromania*
    150 – 15 homodyne* / ebriate*
    151 – 19 honeymonth* / heathbird*
    152 – 17 hydremia* / abominate
    153 – 19 hydremia* / abomination
    154 – 16 hydremia* / abortion
    155 – 18 hydremia* / adhibition
    156 – 17 hydremia* / aerobiont*
    157 – 19 hydremia* / anaerobiont*
    158 – 20 hydremia* / antiabortion
    159 – 16 hydremia* / antibody
    160 – 16 hydroma* / abominate
    161 – 16 hydroma* / aerobiont*
    162 – 18 hydroma* / anaerobiont*
    163 – 15 hydroma* / atabrine*
    164 – 14 hydroma* / atebrin*
    165 – 15 hydromania* / abate
    166 – 19 hydromania* / abatement
    167 – 16 hydromania* / abater
    168 – 19 hydromania* / abernethy*
    169 – 14 hydromania* / abet
    170 – 18 hydromania* / abetment
    171 – 17 hydromania* / abeyant
    172 – 19 hydromania* / abominate
    173 – 17 hydromania* / aborter
    174 – 17 hydromania* / aerobat
    175 – 19 hydromania* / aerobiont*
    176 – 21 hydromania* / anaerobiont*
    177 – 18 hydromania* / atabrine*
    178 – 17 hydromania* / atebrin*
    179 – 18 hydromata* / abominate
    180 – 18 hydromata* / aerobiont*
    181 – 17 hydromata* / airborne
    182 – 18 hydromata* / anaerobia*
    183 – 20 hydromata* / anaerobiont*
    184 – 17 hydromata* / atabrine*
    185 – 16 hydromata* / atebrin*
    186 – 20 hydrometeor / reboation*
    187 – 19 hydrometer / reboation*
    188 – 18 metatherian / naebody*
    189 – 17 montbretia / athodyd*
    190 – 15 myriadth / hebenon*
    191 – 18 myriadth / hebetation*
    192 – 14 myriadth / hebona*
    193 – 18 nondominant* / thereby
    194 – 20 norethindrone / eyebeam*
    195 – 17 rebirth / hydromania*
    196 – 16 terebinth / hydroma*
    197 – 19 terebinth / hydromania*
    198 – 18 terebinth / hydromata*
    199 – 20 theatromania* / antibody
    200 – 19 theatromania* / anybody
    201 – 15 theremin / naebody*
    202 – 15 thermion / naebody*
    203 – 21 thermoremanent* / tribady*

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