Letter Boxed May 19, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed May 19, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


55 thoughts on “Letter Boxed May 19, 2024 Answers”

      1. WOFT – THRIVINGLY for me too, but in this particular case I don’t consider it a solution.
        Since LB is “Powered by OXFORD” and Sam only removes words that have meanings considered inappropriate for his puzzle, I’m now doing two checks: OED and the Urban Dictionary.

        THRIVINGLY is in the OED and not the UD. Therefore it’s reasonable to conclude that the LB rejection is not intentional, but is evidence of flaws in its OED interface. As wise men have said: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect.

        WOFT is in the OED, but it’s in the UD with a more modern use of the F. So I assume that this word has been removed by LB intentionally.

  1. Radioactive Flower


    So many problematic letters (YHWFV). I decided to solve it by parts. I didn’t give up on the F-V part. I knew it was the key to the solution. I was right. Took me so long to find VILIFYING but finally. I already solved GROWTH beforehand. A satisfying solve for me. Luxuriously difficult. I’m very happy. 💜

  2. Radioactive Flower


    (4-) (5-letters):

    (S_ _ _) (_ _ _ _L)

    Hint: Something a person can make out of himself/herself in his/her front yard in winter time.

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, Sir BILL DUFFIN,

        I’m glad that you found these nice unique solutions. Good job. Yay!!!

        The OA starts with a T. 😉

          1. Radioactive Flower

            Hey, OSCAROO,

            Yes, absolutely. You got the OA!
            KUDOS for finding it. 👍🤓

            TRAPEZOID – DOUBLE.

          2. Yes un questionably… which i just realized i could have engineered to be a double answer

          3. One of these?
            trapezoid / double
            trapezoid / doubled
            trapezoid / doubler
            trapezoid / doubtable

    1. Radioactive Flower

      Hey, Mr.DAREDAVEL,

      YES, absolutely! You found the OA! YAY!!!


  3. OA today, after seeing that Thriving wasn’t.

    Decided V was the letter to knock out so looked for a word starting with V.

    1. Interesting approach – instead of focusing on the pivot letter, find words that start with the letter that’s least likely to be the pivot letter.

      I started today mainly looking for a long word that would leave only three or four leftover letters – words like:
      THRIVINGLY (-3)
      RIOTINGLY (-4)
      FROWNINGLY (-3)
      but couldn’t get a match with any of them.
      I figured “H” or “G” would be the pivot letter, because not many words start with Y or end with F, but I kind of stumbled onto the OA:
      VILIFYING (-5)
      GROWTH (-6)

      1. I thought I had something with THRIVINGLY but it was not accepted. I basically found any word that ended in INGLY (GROWLINGLY, FROWNINGLY, INVITINGLY, ETC.) but couldn’t connect them.

    1. Looking through the comments, I don’t see many (or any) alternate solves. Weird, since I usually struggle, but I actually got it today.

  4. Only 2 vowels! But YOUPEE! OA following attempts at pairing VOLITION, FRIVOLITY, GROWTHING (!), WRITHING, NOTHING, etc!

  5. Saw a V without an E so figured word started with V. Got OA too quickly and now I have nothing to procrastinate with.

  6. Karen McnCheese

    OA, and disappointingly fast after someone published the first and last letter hint in the Spelling Bee Community. It’s more fun, although frustrating, to plow through iterations like thrifting, volition, growly, etc. The struggle is sort of fun in a perverse way.

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