Letter Boxed May 11, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed May 11, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


61 thoughts on “Letter Boxed May 11, 2024 Answers”

    1. OA after toiling with:

      I think some of the above have pairings.

  1. Radioactive Flower

    Word Play:

    (10-) (8-letters):

    (_ _F_ _IS_E_) (_US_ _E_S)

    Clue: Something that needs to be completed, if possible.

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, PGGIE,

        WOW!!! You are correct!
        UNFINISHED BUSINESS, indeed! 👍🤓

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, Stephie,

        Almost! You got half of the OA. But your solution is more efficient by one letter. Also, you’re almost there with the second word. 👍😉

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, SIR BILL DUFFIN,

        Your solution has better TI and is more efficient than the OA. You got the half of the OA too.

        Good job! 🤓🤗

          1. Radioactive Flower

            Hey, Mr.DAREDAVEL,

            You got the OA! YAY!!! 👍🤓

            NIGHTMARE – EVIDENCE. Indeed.

    1. Bernie Horowitz

      OA here as well. Kempt and Unkempt put in frequent appearances on LB, it seems to me. And I suspect it’s another one-off, following yesterday’s panoply of possibilities – a recurring pattern.

  2. Saw Kempt but then fixated on KEPT – TUBEWORMS: so close but no H. Three word solution with KEPT – TUBEWORMS – SHUT (because we don’t need those guys getting out!).

  3. Seemed like it needed to include work, horse, brush, stroke, etc… Brushwork very neatly revealed kempt.

  4. Took me a while to give up on BRUSHSTROKE(S), but finally pivoted to the OA. So much for the run of recent easy/multi-solution puzzles. But, at least the brain cells are still functioning!

    The fine lines in a painting?

    I’m trying to extract a theme from that triple but it’s eluding me.

  6. OA but only after spending way too long on WORKHORSE, MESHWORK and BRUSHWORK. I was fixated on WORK, not sure why since I don’t do much of it!

  7. Kept trying BRUSHSTROKE/S too. Settled for 3w: TEMPOS SUB BRUSHWORK. Might’ve seen Kempt if I had tried Brushwork on its own, but I just entered it as my 3rd word, then got locked out for further guesses. Wasn’t sure Brushwork would be accepted.

  8. Christopher Stewart

    OA also. Posting only to say that I really enjoyed solving today’s puzzle. The combination was tough but the words were not obscure.


  9. OA. Stuck on Brushwork and Tempo until i remembered kempt is a word too.

    I’m more used to unkempt.

    1. Bernie Horowitz

      Isn’t it odd there’s no Couth, only Un? I wonder if there ever was one. I suppose I could find out easily enough, with the aid of the very device I’m using right now, but somehow it seems like too much work. Oh look, there’s Work again. What is the Universe trying to tell me?

      1. I thought COUTH is a word.

        Just checked and Merriam-Webster says it means “sophisticated, polished.”

    2. Bernie Horowitz

      Meant to add, we’re just lucky it’s not Verklempt again. That one really drove ’em to the exits. Ditto Jaguarundi. And who can forget the horrible Vuvuzela! Aieeee!

  10. Here is the full list. There are no Scrabble words today.

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 14 brushwork / kempt
    2 – 16 hutkept / tubeworms

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