Here are the Letter Boxed March 17, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.
Sides of this Letter Box are:
The answers are:
Good one!
I ignored the rules and played WAXFLOWER-REFULGENT
I like it.
Thanks! I did the same with FLUXGATE-ERENOW
hahaha got FLUXGATE-ERENOW too but then could not resist following the rules and got the OA after quite a while
Likewise, newager retroflux
Wanger retroflux. Obsolete mid. English pillow or person or thing of large size or significant power
OA right away.
Same. WRONGFUL was the first word I thought of, and then LATEX was obvious.
Same. Wrongful right away. But Latex took me forever. But I do like my mind clearing at the last moment for a save.
Got very stuck on WRANGLE(R) so thank you for putting me out of my misery! Did not see the -FUL ending; that would have been useful 😜
For what it’s worth, WRANGLER and OUTFOX use all the letters. They just don’t link up😄
I never did find a solution today, just bumbled around with Wrangler and Relaxant this morning.
OA yup!
Took a while to get there, but eventually hit on the OA Wrongful Latex. The surgeon left a glove in someone’s innards. In malpractice circles, this is known as Res Ipsa Loquitur.
Wrongful — Latex but also took a while. Great description of the answer!
OA as well.
Same here!…
Flexo – Outwrangle
Flexo – Outwrangler?
I tried the other side first trying to find something “EX- with an F. I’m sure Mark and Richie can find something
Also found…
Orangutan, Flexor, Tongue, Languager, Outfox
Agentorange, Wagetax not accepted
Orangutan, Langu[age]r and [Out]Fox make me think of the long-lost commenter – I’m so terrible with names, my apologies – who would make lists of animals and especially birds found in the day’s letters, without much concern for the LB niceties. So let’s see…
Gull, Tern, Wren, Fox, Frog, Goat, Langur, Orangutan, Treefrog, T-rex
Bruce, yes, I barked up that tree, too. One could reason that since the opposite of “infiltrate” is “exfiltrate,” the opposite of “inflate” would be “exflate.” Alas, English and reason are but fickle friends.
Also had hopes for “exflate”.
Nice find!
flexo – outwrangled
I also ended up with FLEXO OUTWRANGLE, on a dumb luck guess. Was surprised FLEXO was a word, short for “flexography”, a method of printing. Really not a fan of stretching for the obscure words for a cheap win, but I’ll take it!
Same here
FULFRONTALWAXAGE. I’m saying it counts.
sounds good to me Samuel 😃
just the OA here.
I see Mvua got it “yesterday”, where I had a good laugh over her dog, Highwayman.
I guess hasn’t forwarded its clock?
I noticed Mvua’s answer too. I also noticed LB site doesn’t change over until 4 AM, so I’ll check out a puzzle if I happen to be awake. What’s the trick to getting earlier access?
The official NYT site comes online at my 1:00 AM Mountain (UTC−07:00). This site runs independently of that. Since different countries change their clocks at different times, there is a shift, temporarily.
This site is hosted in Germany, which changes their clocks back at the end of March. That’s why there is a one-hour delay for now. ✔☕
Oa well I finally got one! Pretty easy after I got latex
Took me so long to find the OA.
Same! I thought ROUX would be the second word and tried words that end in WATER and similar words until switching to words that end in FUL (for some reason).
I guess this solution is for those who are allergic to surgical gloves.
OA. Quick solve today.
Wrangler—Retroflux. A dude ranch cowboy bending over backwards to please his city slicker clients.
I had gotten LATEX early but couldn’t do much with it. Once I found WRONGFUL, LATEX was right there. A also spent time with GENERATE, GENERATOR, REGULAR, REGULATE, RELAXER, XENON, XEROX (LB has always accepted that).
OA. Same path
Similar path. Tried EXONERATE as well.
wrongful/luxate (I wrongfully thought that latex was a brand name!)
OA quickly.
Any of you been to Galax, VA? It’s a fun little town known as “The gateway to the Blue Ridge Mountains.”
Haven’t actually been there, is that where they used to have a fiddlers convention?
I forgot to try -ful and didn’t think to try -ex, so I wasn’t even close. I found FLUXGATE in the dictionary, so I settled for 3w’s with EON NEWER or EWER ROAN.
LB takes WATERFRONT and takes FRONTAGE but doesn’t take WATERFRONTAGE
Me too OA
Wrongful – Luxate
Exgeneral lawnfoul. Retired generals yard spraying killed your begonias
OA. Quickly. Started with ex, then switched to -ful.