Letter Boxed June 28, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed June 28, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


81 thoughts on “Letter Boxed June 28, 2024 Answers”

    1. Same…
      So, the Chief Steward

      The record for history’s largest cocktail belongs to British Lord Admiral Edward Russell. In 1694, he threw an officer’s party that employed a garden’s fountain as the punch bowl.

      The concoction? A mixture that included 250 gallons of brandy, 125 gallons of Malaga wine, 1,400 pounds of sugar, 2,500 lemons, 20 gallons of lime juice, and 5 pounds of nutmeg.

      A series of bartenders actually paddled around in a small wooden canoe, filling up guests’ cups. Not only that, but they had to work in 15-minute shifts to avoid being overcome by the fumes and falling overboard.

      1. PHILIOSOPHISER — REFUGIA is accepted.

        I had never heard of refugium/ia until I saw a special on climate change (or course!)

        I couldn’t do anything with PHILOSOPHISERS

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, Ms. SUSANMMM,

        I’m happy you got a nice solution. You’re getting there for the OA. 😉👍

          1. Radioactive Flower

            Ms. SUSANMMM,

            WOW!!! You got the OA! YAY! 🎉🥳

            BONE – EXPERIMENTAL, indeed! 🤓😉

            Double thumbs up!!! 👍👍

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, Sir BILL DUFFIN,

        Congrats on your nice solution. You’re getting there for the OA too. 😉👍

    1. Btw coud anyone find any dino saurs in the array i felt like i tried everything but my paleo knowledge is lacking

    2. EPILOGUES – SPEARFISH too, after failing with FLAGSHIP, and PEARLFISH. I was disappointed at first that PROLOGUES was not possible, and even tried PRELOGUES out of desperation. 🤣

      Took awhile to remember EPILOGUE, and was relieved to see it was viable!

          1. Also had PREFIGURES – SHOAL
            Wanted to use spearfish but couldn’t find a match. I also likes pergolas but couldn’t make it work.

      1. flareup – phraseologies
        More letters than I should have had to use but at least I finally got something!

      1. True – the royal ourself or as used by a very pompous editor perhaps.

        I just hope this isn’t the beginning of a royal phase. Sam has already had a Mexican food phase.

    1. Nice and very tidy! I was looking for something with Ship and couldn’t make it happen.

      Currently I’m in Lag Central Lagsville in the State of Eternally Delated Response…

      1. Mark – looking at the Quinapulus Word list using the letters for this day’s puzzle, i saw:
        which has all the letters and actually does seem to be in the OED and M-W.
        It doesn’t work with this puzzle because of the LU then ORO and AP sequences.
        So, no 14/1 for this puzzle!!! 😤

        But, I’m curious – has there ever been a 1 word OA or a valid one word solution to any of the puzzles?

        1. Oops!
          scratch OED for “fluorographies”.
          M-W does have an entry for “fluorography” and presumably the plural would be “fluorographies” but i didn’t see it spelled out … maybe the correct plural is “fluorography”?
          The spell checker for this entry box seems to like “fluorography” but gives the red underline to “fluorographies” … i’m just an old-time dirt engineer, the finer points of grammar I always left up to Monica and Rose. 😎


  1. I found PHRASEOLOGIES first, and then wouldn’t give up on finding something with the U and F, so wound up with FLAREUP / PHRASEOLOGIES

  2. Nada today, though plenty to play around with: SAILFISH (didn’t see the match), FLESHIER, PHILOSOPH, etc.

    1. Bernie Horowitz

      I assumed it was just acid reflux, Doctor!
      This looks like as good a spot as any to report my best find: Frugal Logophiles. They only play the free version of LB. I don’t see anyone else coming in with that one, but a unique answer is all but unheard of, so I probably just missed it.
      Also found, with others, Epilogues Spearfish (the posthumous Hemingway sequel).

  3. Hard one today! Finally got FOESHIP-PLAGUER, slightly more efficient than OA at 14/2. I haven’t seen that answer in anyone else’s comments, but as usual I am amazed at how many words other solvers found that I never noticed.

  4. My group is:

    i don’t think sagoflour is an actual single word, but i don’t care. Lost a friend yesterday to cancer.

  5. I forgot top post this last night

    Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 14 argufies / splosh
    2 – 18 epilogues / spearfish
    3 – 16 figurae / esophagal
    4 – 17 figural / logophiles
    5 – 15 figure / esophagal
    6 – 17 flagpole / euphrasia
    7 – 18 flagpole / euphrasias
    8 – 14 flagpoles / shiur
    9 – 15 flagship / poufier
    10 – 14 flagship / poseur
    11 – 15 flagship / poseurs
    12 – 14 flagship / pourer
    13 – 15 flagship / pourers
    14 – 15 flagship / purpose
    15 – 16 flagship / purposes
    16 – 16 flagship / purposer
    17 – 17 flagship / purposers
    18 – 16 flagships / soupier
    19 – 15 flagships / sourer
    20 – 18 flareup / philologise
    21 – 19 flareup / philologises
    22 – 20 flareup / phraseologies
    23 – 15 flareup / pishogue
    24 – 16 flareup / pishogues
    25 – 18 flareup / philologues
    26 – 16 flareup / phlogosis
    27 – 14 flours / shagpile
    28 – 14 fogle / euphrasia
    29 – 15 fogle / euphrasias
    30 – 13 fours / shagpile
    31 – 16 frugal / logophiles
    32 – 18 furfural / logophiles
    33 – 18 furphies / sialagogue
    34 – 19 furphies / sialagogues
    35 – 18 furphies / sialogogue
    36 – 19 furphies / sialogogues
    37 – 15 giaours / selfship
    38 – 13 golfer / rupiahs
    39 – 14 gopuras / selfish
    40 – 15 gopuras / selfship
    41 – 14 gouras / selfship
    42 – 15 ourself / flagship
    43 – 16 ourself / flagships
    44 – 14 pearlfish / haugo
    45 – 19 philosophia / argufies
    46 – 20 philosophiser / refugia
    47 – 21 philosophiser / refugial
    48 – 17 prefigure / earholes
    49 – 18 prefigure / esophagal
    50 – 15 prefigures / shoal
    51 – 17 prefigures / shoaler
    52 – 14 purfle / esophagi
    53 – 13 refugia / alphos
    54 – 15 rugosas / selfship
    55 – 20 sialagogues / spearfish
    56 – 20 sialogogues / spearfish
    57 – 15 aerugos / selfship
    58 – 16 eagleship / poufier
    59 – 14 fleishig / gopura
    60 – 15 fleishig / gopuras
    61 – 17 fleishig / gaspergou
    62 – 14 foeship / plaguer
    63 – 15 foeship / plaguers
    64 – 14 ophisaur / reflag
    65 – 15 ophisaur / reflags
    66 – 16 ophisaur / refugial
    67 – 20 philologues / spearfish
    68 – 17 refigure / esophagal
    69 – 18 refugial / logophiles

    70 – 16 argufier* / repolish
    71 – 15 argufiers* / splosh
    72 – 16 arugolas* / serfship*
    73 – 17 arugolas* / serfships*
    74 – 17 arugolas* / spearfish
    75 – 20 epiloguises* / spearfish
    76 – 18 flagpole / euphrasies*
    77 – 17 flagship / peasouper*
    78 – 18 flagship / peasoupers*
    79 – 15 flagships / souper*
    80 – 16 flagships / soupers*
    81 – 15 flagships / sourse*
    82 – 16 flagships / sourses*
    83 – 18 flareup / philologies*
    84 – 19 flareup / psephologies*
    85 – 13 flareups / shogi*
    86 – 14 flareups / shogis*
    87 – 15 fogle / euphrasies*
    88 – 15 fourses* / shagpile
    89 – 20 fuhrers / spelaeologies*
    90 – 15 fural* / logophiles
    91 – 21 furphies / spelaeologies*
    92 – 14 gaufer* / repolish
    93 – 18 isologues* / spearfish
    94 – 19 oligureses* / spearfish
    95 – 19 oliguresis* / spearfish
    96 – 16 ouglies* / spearfish
    97 – 17 persifleurs / seahog*
    98 – 18 persifleurs / seahogs*
    99 – 14 prahu / ufologies*
    100 – 18 prefigures / shoalier*
    101 – 15 prefigures / shola*
    102 – 16 prefigures / sholas*
    103 – 15 prefigures / solah*
    104 – 16 prefigures / solahs*
    105 – 15 refugia / alphosis*
    106 – 17 refugia / alphosises*
    107 – 15 rugolas* / serfship*
    108 – 16 rugolas* / serfships*
    109 – 16 rugolas* / spearfish
    110 – 19 serfships* / sialagogue
    111 – 20 serfships* / sialagogues
    112 – 19 serfships* / sialogogue
    113 – 20 serfships* / sialogogues
    114 – 19 sialagogues / serfship*
    115 – 20 sialagogues / serfships*
    116 – 19 sialogogues / serfship*
    117 – 20 sialogogues / serfships*
    118 – 14 ufologies* / sharp
    119 – 16 ufologies* / sharper
    120 – 17 ufologies* / sharpers
    121 – 16 ufologies* / sharpie
    122 – 17 ufologies* / sharpies
    123 – 17 ufologies* / sharpish
    124 – 15 ufologies* / sharps
    125 – 16 ufologies* / shophar*
    126 – 17 ufologies* / shophars*
    127 – 18 ufologies* / spearfish
    128 – 15 ufologies* / sphaer*
    129 – 16 ufologies* / sphaere*
    130 – 17 ufologies* / sphaeres*
    131 – 16 ufologies* / sphaers*
    132 – 18 ufologies* / splashier
    133 – 16 uglifiers / shophar*
    134 – 17 uglifiers / shophars*
    135 – 15 uglifies / shophar*
    136 – 16 uglifies / shophars*

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