Letter Boxed June 03, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed June 03, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


58 thoughts on “Letter Boxed June 03, 2024 Answers”


        Came across graphitizing randomly, and it took me a surprisingly mong time to find something to use the OUL that was left.

    1. Lol, HOURLONG – GRAPHITIZING was my answer today too, and I thought it might be a unique solve, so of course it’s the first commented solution. Nice solve! 🙌

      1. another PLURALIZING-GOTH. barbarian prone to exaggeration.

        BTW since someone else has also been STEPH for the last few days I am now OriginalSteph, the puzzler formerly known as STEPH.

          1. Bernie Horowitz

            Indeed. Pluralizing Goth.m Not that hard, really. Nothing else I found was fit for purpose. The best of the lot was Photographizing Gulp, which I’m surevyou’ll agree is Not Good, but does have the desirable quality of Interchangeability.

      While looking for another ING word to close Graphitizing, I saw Pluralizing with the instant close.

  1. Radioactive Flower


    Both AUTOGRAPHING and LITHOGRAPHING left only 2 letters but can’t provide a solution.

      1. OA for me.
        I started with
        PHOTOGRAPH and spent some time trying to pair to it.
        I’m learning:
        noticed we couldn’t have an -IZATION suffix but could have an -IZING suffix.

      2. ZONAL-LITHOGRAPH was the closest I got (missing U). I was surprised that ZIPLINING was not accepted but that LULZ was!

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, PGGIE,

        Double thumbs up! 👍👍

        🎉🥳 Yay!!! You got it! SUGARCOAT, indeed! 🤓🤗

      1. Radioactive Flower

        I tried ZILA too but LB doesn’t accept it!

        Fun Fact: It is my highest-scoring word in Word Wars (a scrabble app).

    1. I’ve flown to 3 of the 4, and travelled by train to the 4th.

      They both liked DHARMIC—CLEAVAGES.

  2. Just for kicks, I tried PHOTOGRAPHIZING and it was accepted so:

    1. PHOTOGRAPHIZING-GULP as well. I think that PHOTOGRAPHIZING is the longest word, using the most letters, that I have ever come up with. Only the L and U were leftover.


    I really wanted that one word solve! 🙂

    I worked with AUTOGRAPH and LITHOGRAPH before putting them together.

  4. Got lots of other long -izing words and -graph but missed a 2w, sometimes by one letter. Submitted UTILIZING GOTH HARP for 17/3.

  5. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 20 autoharp / paralogizing
    2 – 21 autoharp / philologizing
    3 – 19 autoharp / pluralizing
    4 – 18 autoharp / papalizing
    5 – 20 autoharp / partializing
    6 – 18 autoharp / politizing
    7 – 19 gulp / photographizing
    8 – 20 hourlong / graphitizing
    9 – 21 outlining / graphitizing
    10 – 23 philologizing / gargantuan
    11 – 22 philologizing / gargantua
    12 – 15 pluralizing / goth
    13 – 20 tulip / photographizing
    14 – 19 tulp / photographizing
    15 – 18 zona / autolithograph
    16 – 21 zona / autolithographing
    17 – 22 autolithographing / ginzo
    18 – 22 autolithographing / gonzo
    19 – 28 autolithographing / granitizing
    20 – 29 autolithographing / graphitizing
    21 – 19 parula / anthologizing
    22 – 20 photographizing / gault
    23 – 20 photographizing / guilt
    24 – 23 photographizing / guilting
    25 – 20 photographizing / gulag
    26 – 20 photographizing / gular
    27 – 19 photographizing / gulp
    28 – 22 photographizing / gulping
    29 – 21 photographizing / gulpin
    30 – 20 plouting / graphitizing
    31 – 20 plutogog / graphitizing
    32 – 20 poulp / photographizing
    33 – 21 rhizina / autolithograph
    34 – 24 rhizina / autolithographing

    35 – 18 autoharp / polonizing*
    36 – 18 louing* / graphitizing
    37 – 19 louting* / graphitizing
    38 – 19 naphthalizing* / giaour
    39 – 18 naphthalizing* / goura
    40 – 21 nonruling* / graphitizing
    41 – 20 ophiura* / anthologizing
    42 – 21 ophiuran / naphthalizing*
    43 – 18 oulong* / graphitizing
    44 – 17 ourn / naphthalizing*
    45 – 19 outran / naphthalizing*
    46 – 18 paralogizing / galuth*
    47 – 22 partitura* / anthologizing
    48 – 19 parura* / anthologizing
    49 – 20 pluralizing / granolith*
    50 – 19 pruina* / anthologizing
    51 – 13 touzling* / graph
    52 – 16 touzling* / graphing
    53 – 20 touzling* / graphitizing
    54 – 19 turnon* / naphthalizing*
    55 – 20 ultrahip* / paralogizing
    56 – 18 ultrahip* / polonizing*
    57 – 17 uralitizing* / gonoph*
    58 – 21 utopianizing / granolith*
    59 – 16 zila* / autographing
    60 – 18 zipola* / autographing

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