Letter Boxed July 28, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed July 28, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


78 thoughts on “Letter Boxed July 28, 2024 Answers”

    1. Surprised to find this was the OA… from the Sonny Boy Williamson(s) to John Popper… and if the music gets too hot you can always quench the fire a bit at the raindrop potluck.

      1. tacking to end of MVUA’s line “where the BANJO OUTWEIGHs with a HARMONICA ABLAZE” … stringing together three recent puzzles … 😎🐝

        1. also:

          Some other curiosities (to me) about today’s puzzle:

          AMAZON is a word
          ZANZIBAR is not

          ERIE as in the city or lake is “not a word”, but LIMA as in Lima Peru is a word.

          So, LIMA is a word.
          And BEAN is a word.
          But LIMABEAN is “not a word”.

        2. Bernie Horowitz

          I too found the OA Harmonica Ablaze, in the same dumpster fire as the banjo and accordion from Friday. Also Caliber / Bicolor Reharmonize (something to do with the Olympic opening ceremonies?), Harmonize Ecbolic (singing through the contractions?), and Harmonizer Reclimb and Balancer Rhizomic (strange doings in the garden).

  1. Climber Reharmonize. Wasn’t sure about Reharmonize but LB accept it.

    Will there be a big range of solutions today?

      1. ALIOW indeed. I was happy to take Reharmonize because it’s easy to stick -er on the end of many words.

        Couldn’t be bothered with much effort today (even though it’s a nice enough grid).

    1. Ditto! Knew it was a bit clunky and not likely to be the OA, but I’ll take the quick win. Off to watch Olympics – so love seeing the world come together to support human beings give their heart and soul while pushing themselves beyond what seems possible!

      1. Also found: Ceramic, Ice cream, (Icecreamcone not accepted), Crazier, Hambone, Canonical, Canonize, Mobilizer, Recolonize, Combine, Calzone.

        1. Also found both:
          with just BCH left.
          Did anyone pair either?

          Also found
          Hambone – Economizer (L left)

  2. I missed a 2 word solution yesterday. Found several 3 wordrrs though.

    For today I have

    In about 45 minutes.

  3. RHOMBIC CANALIZE. CANALIZE was a guess. Didn’t take too long but it was enough of a challenge to be fun.

  4. HARMONIZE – ECBOLIC. If Oxytocin doesn’t work, maybe a barbershop quartet will!

    Has anyone else been getting “comment awaiting moderation” messages here all of a sudden?

    1. Hey DW – i haven’t had any today or lately, but a few weeks ago i did get that notice when i pasted in more than one weblink.

        1. No worries Original Steph. Definitely an idea for my next potluck although I think the shape would be technically more challenging!

  5. As predicted, today’s array had a plethora of answers after a bunch of single solution grids. I found:

    (set fire to those redundant notations)
    (that soloist is really on fire!)
    (being in nature centers you)
    (a very wacky geometry class)
    (making that geometry class less wacky!)

  6. I was just perusing the page. At the bottom it lists “tips” for gameplay. One says “Don’t be afraid to use the hint system. If players get stuck on a particular level, they can use the hint system to reveal a word. However, using hints will reduce their overall score, so they should use them sparingly.”

    What hint system?

    Perhaps this is something only available to those with a premium subscription or particular sub to the “Games” (which I don’t have—i just have a regular subscription to the NYT)

    1. Yeah, I read that some months back and suspected that there may be different levels (?) I started like everyone else just trying to get a solve in the suggested number of words and then tried fewer and fewer until the two word solutions.

        1. Radioactive Flower

          When I discovered the: Solution to yesterday’s puzzle, which is only two words. That’s when I started solving it in two words.

  7. RHOMBIC-CRIMINALIZE for me. I haven’t seen anyone else get criminalize yet, but I wish I’d seen CALZONE!

  8. *** Website Administrators ***
    I’ve been trying to post several times today and the posts never show up. There is no error message, it’s just that they never complete.
    Thank you.

  9. I forgot to post this yesterday…

    Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 16 ablaze / enharmonic
    2 – 19 balancer / reharmonize
    3 – 16 balancer / rhizomic
    4 – 18 bicolor / reharmonize
    5 – 16 bilinear / rhizomic
    6 – 15 blaze / enharmonic
    7 – 15 bonzer / rhombical
    8 – 18 caliber / reharmonize
    9 – 18 clamber / reharmonize
    10 – 18 climber / reharmonize
    11 – 15 colonizer / rambeh
    12 – 18 colonizer / rhombical
    13 – 16 cozener / rhombical
    14 – 19 economizer / rhombical
    15 – 18 enharmonic / calabaza
    16 – 19 enharmonic / cambozola
    17 – 19 enharmonic / cambazola
    18 – 15 harmonica / ablaze
    19 – 16 harmonize / ecbolic
    20 – 19 harmonizer / rebalance
    21 – 17 harmonizer / reclimb
    22 – 19 harmonizer / rhombical
    23 – 20 liberalize / enharmonic
    24 – 17 linearizer / rhombic
    25 – 19 linearizer / rhombical
    26 – 19 micronizer / rhombical
    27 – 18 minimizer / rhombical
    28 – 16 mobilize / enhancer
    29 – 18 mobilize / enharmonic
    30 – 17 normalizer / rhombic
    31 – 19 normalizer / rhombical
    32 – 17 ozonizer / rhombical
    33 – 14 rhombic / calzone
    34 – 15 rhombic / canalize
    35 – 18 rhombic / criminalize
    36 – 15 zanier / rhombical
    37 – 18 mineralizer / rhombic
    38 – 20 mineralizer / rhombical
    39 – 18 moribana / alcoholize
    40 – 18 nominalizer / rhombic
    41 – 20 nominalizer / rhombical
    42 – 15 ozoner / rhombical
    43 – 18 reharmonize / ecbolic
    44 – 18 rhombical / linearize
    45 – 19 rhombical / linearizer

    46 – 18 ablaze / enharmonical*
    47 – 22 aerobicize / enharmonical*
    48 – 18 amberina* / alcoholize
    49 – 21 arabicize* / enharmonical*
    50 – 19 arabize* / enharmonical*
    51 – 22 azobenzene / enharmonical*
    52 – 15 balancer / rhizoma*
    53 – 19 balzarine* / enharmonic
    54 – 21 balzarine* / enharmonical*
    55 – 18 banalize* / enharmonic
    56 – 20 banalize* / enharmonical*
    57 – 15 beclamor* / rhizine
    58 – 19 benzene / enharmonical*
    59 – 19 benzine / enharmonical*
    60 – 19 benzoline* / enharmonic
    61 – 21 benzoline* / enharmonical*
    62 – 16 bize* / enharmonical*
    63 – 18 bizone* / enharmonical*
    64 – 17 blaze / enharmonical*
    65 – 16 blazoner* / rhizomic
    66 – 15 blazoner* / rhombic
    67 – 17 blazoner* / rhombical
    68 – 21 bombazine / enharmonical*
    69 – 17 bonze / enharmonical*
    70 – 20 cabezone* / enharmonical*
    71 – 18 canonizer* / rhombical
    72 – 17 ebenezer* / rhombical
    73 – 19 ebonize / enharmonical*
    74 – 22 enharmonical* / liberalize
    75 – 23 enharmonical* / liberalizer
    76 – 20 harmonical* / liberalize
    77 – 21 harmonical* / liberalizer
    78 – 19 hazanim* / microbalance
    79 – 15 horizonal* / limbec*
    80 – 17 imblaze* / enharmonic
    81 – 19 imblaze* / enharmonical*
    82 – 22 inharmonical* / liberalize
    83 – 23 inharmonical* / liberalizer
    84 – 22 liberalize / enharmonical*
    85 – 20 mobilize / enharmonical*
    86 – 21 mobilizer / rhinocerical*
    87 – 16 rhinoceri* / imblaze*
    88 – 19 rhombical / laminarize*
    89 – 14 rhombical / lozen*
    90 – 15 ronzer* / rhombical
    91 – 16 zincier* / rhombical
    92 – 18 zombie / enharmonical*
    93 – 14 zoner* / rhombical

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