Letter Boxed July 19, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed July 19, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


53 thoughts on “Letter Boxed July 19, 2024 Answers”

    Wikipedia: The thionyl group is SO, a sulfur atom plus an oxygen atom.

    Webster: the quality or state of being totipotential.

    Looks like a lot of options today!



        1. Yeah, I really wanted CYCLOALKANE to work but the K and A are on the same side, and neither CYCLOALKENE or CYCLOALKYNE were accepted.

          1. Good finds, as both are in OED.
            Hanky-panky was hyphenated, and pay hike was listed as two words.

      1. Didn’t get there today but same playing with CYCLONE-EPITHELIAL (LIKE to get the K in there); ELECTION; HYPOCOTYL; PYTHON; CHECK; and all the prefixes CYTO-; LITHO-; PYTHA-; PHYTO-; totally missed KILO!!

        1. Sort of same with me as you can see i’m posting very late, just before midnight my time.

          For some reason, I didn’t see PAYCHECK or KILOTON.
          I did see NETLIKE which LB liked.
          My matches for it, though, LB frowned on. These included:

          Good night! 💤

          LB also rejected
          i can’t remember if i ever found a match for it.

          LB did accept
          i can’t remember if i found match for them either.

    1. Oa here as well after several hours and so so many words that didn’t work out, the highlight of which was POLYCLONALITY. So happy to finally be done with it.

    2. Bernie Horowitz

      The OA, Paycheck Kiloton (for high-powered earners); Hypanthial Locket (floral-themed Tiffany piece for said high-powered earners); Cyclopian Neckcloth (from the Polyphemus Collection); and Chantlike Ecotype (birdcalls of the Amazon). LB is always stingy with Like, so I was surprised Chantlike was accepted.

  2. Radioactive Flower

    I only got PAYCHECK. I really thought the leftovers were just gibberish.

    Took me 1.5 hours to give up.


    1. Initially thought -tion was a gift but no. Had Paycheck and Lotion but no link.

      Why did I see Nanotech but not Kiloton?

  3. heh, I saw PYTHON NECKLACE quickly and got so excited i overlooked the missing “I” before checking in here. i don’t think i’d have found any of the solutions you all have revealed!

    1. Me too, with Python-Necklace. Only I saw the “I” was missing and didn’t care—it’s the best I’ve got today

  4. PAYCHECK–KNOTLIKE also works.
    In yet another head-scratcher, LB rejected ANTIPOLE.

    1. Bernie Horowitz

      The rejection of Payhike put a crimp in my plans for a Payhike Election. Campaigning on the Minimum Wage.

  5. OA. Spent a wee while on it earlier and didn’t get very far. Went back to it just now and got it in like 2 minutes. It’s funny how that happens sometimes.

  6. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 16 chantlike / ecotype
    2 – 18 clacket / tithonotype
    3 – 18 cyclopian / neckcloth
    4 – 16 hypanthial / locket
    5 – 17 hypothec / chantlike
    6 – 18 kitchenalia / alopecy
    7 – 20 kitchenalia / anthotype
    8 – 18 neckcloth / hypanthia
    9 – 19 neckcloth / hypanthial
    10 – 13 packet / thionyl
    11 – 15 paycheck / kiloton
    12 – 16 paypacket / thionyl
    13 – 15 polychaete / enoki
    14 – 15 polyptych / hankie
    15 – 16 yapok / kitchenalia
    16 – 16 hypopnea / antilock
    17 – 17 yapock / kitchenalia
    18 – 18 poikilocyte / etchant
    19 – 18 poikilocyte / ethanal
    20 – 17 poikilocyte / ethane
    21 – 18 poikilocyte / ethanol
    22 – 19 poikilocyte / enanthol
    23 – 20 poikilocyte / enanthole
    24 – 19 poikilocyte / enanthyl
    25 – 14 polyanth / hackie
    26 – 18 polyanthea / antilock
    27 – 19 polyanthea / antiknock
    28 – 17 polypian / neckcloth
    29 – 18 polythelia / antilock
    30 – 19 polythelia / antiknock
    31 – 19 polytopian / neckcloth

    32 – 18 antechapel / lekythoi*
    33 – 20 apocynthion* / neckcloth
    34 – 19 apocynthion* / necklace
    35 – 18 apocynthion* / necklet
    36 – 19 apocynthion* / necklike*
    37 – 18 apocynthion* / netlike
    38 – 17 claylike / epitheton*
    39 – 16 hanap* / poikilocyte
    40 – 13 honkie* / ectypal*
    41 – 15 hyponea* / antilock
    42 – 17 hypotheca* / antilock
    43 – 16 hypotheca* / antlike
    44 – 18 keitloa* / apocynthion*
    45 – 22 kitchenalia / apocynthion*
    46 – 13 klepto* / onychia
    47 – 17 neckcloth / hyponoia*
    48 – 16 pactional / lekythi*
    49 – 17 pactional / lekythoi*
    50 – 16 paiocke* / entelechy
    51 – 15 paiocke* / ethylene
    52 – 14 paiocke* / ethynyl
    53 – 16 paycheck / knotlike*
    54 – 17 poikilocyte / enhalo*
    55 – 15 polychaete / eikon*
    56 – 17 polyclonal / lekythi*
    57 – 18 polyclonal / lekythoi*
    58 – 16 polyhalite / enlock*
    59 – 15 thankit* / telecopy*

  7. Wow clearly out of my league on this one. This was the first LB in several days that I had a serious go at, and not only did I not find almost any of the words discussed in the comments here, I haven’t even heard of many of them. I had hopes for KITCHEN and found lots of shorter words, but that was about the best that I got.

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