Letter Boxed July 17, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed July 17, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


76 thoughts on “Letter Boxed July 17, 2024 Answers”

    1. Nova Acquirable also.

      Spent too much time trying to wring something out of Unbelievable and not focussing on the Q.

    2. Same… evanescent influencer sensations. A flash in the pan of the infinite internet object permanence deficit… wait, what were we talking about?

      1. Bernie Horowitz

        Always looking for your hilarious posts, MVUA! As to your question, I think we’re talking about PBS selling off yet another franchise.
        Meanwhile I offer Variable Eloquence (the Biden Problem); the OA Novice Equilibria (learning to ride a bike); and Violence Equilibria (mutually assured destruction).

      1. me three …
        convene equilibria …
        i got it so quickly (unusual for me!) that i didn’t look for anything shorter …

      1. Nice! I had ELOQUENCE but nothing to pair with it, and a few attempts with the EQUI- prefix so appreciate this find!

  1. The Letters of Lavender


    Took me 1.5 hours to solve.

    Every time I put in VARIABLE, I only saw gibberish from the leftovers.

    Most of the words I saw doesn’t include the Q (and also R). Mostly -ABLE words. So, when I focused on finding a -QUE- word, end of game when I spotted ELOQUENCE. I went full circle when I spotted VARIABLE from the leftovers.

      1. That’s how I solved it, after struggling with COVARIANCE and ENVIABLE. The word BIVARIANCE was not accepted, so I abandoned that.

  2. LOBE EQUIVARIANCE (matching ears)
    Equivariance however was disallowed despite being a real word which I sometimes use 🙁


    NOVICE mistake not taking my time once I found CONCEIVE to link to EQUILIBRIA to look for a shorter VARIABLE of the letter set.

    Maybe I’ll get BARBEQUE for lunch today. 😄😎

    A capability of a next-generation Dyson sphere.

    Happy and steady.

    And from the OED domain:

  5. OA for me relatively quickly. Impressed by all the alternative answers. Had a devil of a time coming up with anything to work with the Q. Had gotten as far as Acquir – but gave up after not being able to use the e. Being in medicine was helpful as Equilibria is relatively common usage.

  6. I quit soon after finding my pair: variable, eloquence. There seemed to be lots of potential word options with able and ence endings.

  7. There seemed to be lots of potential word options with able and ence endings but I quit soon after quickly finding a pair: variable, eloquence.

  8. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 16 acquirable / elevon
    2 – 15 acquirable / envoi
    3 – 17 barnacle / equivoque
    4 – 21 benevolence / equilibria
    5 – 19 biconcave / equilibria
    6 – 18 carbuncle / equivoque
    7 – 17 concave / equilibria
    8 – 21 conceivable / equilibria
    9 – 18 conceive / equilibria
    10 – 20 convenance / equilibria
    11 – 17 convene / equilibria
    12 – 18 convolve / equilibria
    13 – 20 covariance / equilibria
    14 – 20 nonvariable / eloquence
    15 – 21 nonviolence / equilibria
    16 – 14 nova / acquirable
    17 – 16 novena / acquirable
    18 – 16 novice / equilibria
    19 – 17 variable / eloquence
    20 – 18 violence / equilibria
    21 – 16 nocive / equilibria
    22 – 15 novia / acquirable

    23 – 16 bru* / unequivocable*
    24 – 20 caravan / nonequilibria*
    25 – 21 cariacou* / unequivocable*
    26 – 20 caribou / unequivocable*
    27 – 19 carven / nonequilibria*
    28 – 21 civilian / nonequilibria*
    29 – 19 cloven / nonequilibria*
    30 – 20 convenable* / equilibria
    31 – 17 convive* / equilibria
    32 – 18 coven / nonequilibria*
    33 – 19 craven / nonequilibria*
    34 – 16 cru / unequivocable*
    35 – 17 ecru / unequivocable*
    36 – 18 nairu* / unequivocable*
    37 – 22 nonequilibria* / aciclovir*
    38 – 19 nonequilibria* / airvac*
    39 – 21 nonequilibria* / arvicole*
    40 – 20 nonequilibria* / avarice
    41 – 17 ruru / unequivocable*
    42 – 21 uncloven / nonequilibria*
    43 – 23 unconceivable* / equilibria
    44 – 18 uncurable* / equivoque
    45 – 19 uncurbable* / equivoque
    46 – 16 unequivocable* / ear
    47 – 19 unequivocable* / earbob*
    48 – 19 unequivocable* / earcon*
    49 – 17 unequivocable* / earl
    50 – 20 unequivocable* / earlobe
    51 – 17 unequivocable* / earn
    52 – 21 unequivocable* / eburnean*
    53 – 17 unequivocable* / ecru
    54 – 19 unequivocable* / ecurie*
    55 – 21 unequivocable* / encircle
    56 – 21 unequivocable* / encolour*
    57 – 19 unequivocable* / enrace*
    58 – 20 unequivocable* / enriven*
    59 – 18 unequivocable* / enurn
    60 – 23 unequivocable* / equilibria
    61 – 19 unvariable* / eloquence
    62 – 17 unvoice* / equilibria
    63 – 18 urubu* / unequivocable*
    64 – 17 vibrance* / eloquence

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