Letter Boxed July 13, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed July 13, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


81 thoughts on “Letter Boxed July 13, 2024 Answers”

      1. Bernie Horowitz

        Another Weights Sulfury, as found in the fitness-club Circle of Hell. You thought it was bad enough when people don’t wipe their sweat off the equipment.

      weightlifters took a lot of time to get into surfy mood that too after firefighters blocked their surfing route for a long time

      1. WEIGHTLIFTERS – SURLY. interesting that weightlift/weightlifts and weightful were not accepted as ‘valid words’…

    1. suit_pant… I mean, if you showed up without any or in just one. How would that work? One pant. Sounds impactful. A testament to pestilent style.

      1. and then coming off MVUA’s entry, there is OBSTIPANT (not obstinant, but obstipant) which sounds painfully impactful … 😎

          1. Radioactive Flower

            Hey, Mr. McBEE 🐝,

            WOW! I enjoyed your alternate answers. 🤗

            You got the correct answer by the way! Cheers! 🍻

            FOOTPRINT, indeed! 🤓😉😎

            Double thumbs up!!! 👍👍

        1. I just now scrolled down and see you had next put in the whole answer!!!! …
          anyway, my “comrades” answer has an H near the end but has to end with an “ES” to capture all the necessary letters …

        2. Radioactive Flower

          Hey, Sir BILL DUFFIN,

          Double thumbs up!!!

          Wow! You got the OA! YAY!!! 🥳🎉

          ORNAMENTAL – LAVISH, indeed! 🤓😉🤗

      1. i think you’re right Bill, and the whole thing ends with a – not bang! but H.
        And, from RifF’s exact same array, are the comrades who like to put on grand
        displays, 8+10=18/2, pivot letter “T”.

    1. Hey MVUA!
      I had something similar:

      and also:
      which TK came up with earlier …

      but both of these were after my grand attempt to get the Longest possible answer – i had typed:

      LB accepted “Resistful” but not “Lightflyweight” … it looks like all the major dictionaries classify “light flyweight” as a two word phrase for a single specific boxing weight category.

      Alas! 😎

    1. Me too. I thought no one will else will have tried it. I learned a new word today by chance. Tur is a small goat.

  1. I slept on RIGHTFUL for a while. When I started back up l found
    Plus 18 alternatives to pair with FLYWEIGHT(S)



    twyer, n. from tuyere: a nozzle through which an air blast is delivered to a forge or blast furnace

    sulfuryl, n. The radical SO₂

  3. I slept on RIGHTFUL for a while. When I started back up l found
    Plus 18 alternatives to pair with FLYWEIGHT(S)

    This makes me feel a little better after my dismal performance over the past few days.

  4. WEIGHTLIFTERS – SURLY. interesting that weightlift/weightlifts and weightful were not accepted as ‘valid words’…

  5. Was looking for a ~WEIGHTS add-on that would leave me with SURLY, when I realized FLYWEIGHTS work. I figured SURLY would be inefficient, and a little more searching brought me to OA.

  6. Yesterday’s solution:
    Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 18 flyweight / thirstful
    2 – 15 flyweight / thrush
    3 – 15 flyweight / thrust
    4 – 16 flyweight / thrusts
    5 – 17 flyweight / thruster
    6 – 18 flyweight / thrusters
    7 – 18 flyweight / thurifers
    8 – 16 flyweight / thyrsus
    9 – 15 flyweight / tsuris
    10 – 13 flyweight / turs
    11 – 17 flyweight / turfiest
    12 – 15 flyweights / shrug
    13 – 16 flyweights / shrugs
    14 – 14 flyweights / slur
    15 – 15 flyweights / slurs
    16 – 18 flyweights / slushier
    17 – 20 flyweights / stultifier
    18 – 21 flyweights / stultifiers
    19 – 14 flyweights / suer
    20 – 15 flyweights / suers
    21 – 16 flyweights / sulfur
    22 – 17 flyweights / sulfurs
    23 – 17 flyweights / sulfury
    24 – 14 flyweights / sure
    25 – 15 flyweights / surer
    26 – 16 flyweights / surest
    27 – 18 flyweights / surefire
    28 – 16 flyweights / surety
    29 – 18 flyweights / sureties
    30 – 14 flyweights / surf
    31 – 15 flyweights / surfy
    32 – 17 flyweights / surfeit
    33 – 18 flyweights / surfeits
    34 – 16 flyweights / surfer
    35 – 17 flyweights / surfers
    36 – 16 flyweights / surfie
    37 – 17 flyweights / surfies
    38 – 15 flyweights / surly
    39 – 17 flyweights / surlier
    40 – 18 flyweights / surliest
    41 – 17 flyweights / surlily
    42 – 16 flyweights / suture
    43 – 17 flyweights / sutures
    44 – 19 flyweights / surfeiter
    45 – 20 flyweights / surfeiters
    46 – 20 flyweights / surfeiture
    47 – 21 flyweights / surfeitures
    48 – 17 highwires / stultify
    49 – 19 lightweights / sulfury
    50 – 17 lightweights / surfy
    51 – 16 returf / flyweights
    52 – 16 reweighs / stultify
    53 – 13 surf / flyweight
    54 – 14 surf / flyweights
    55 – 14 turf / flyweights
    56 – 14 weights / sulfury
    57 – 17 weightlifter / rushy
    58 – 17 weightlifter / rusty
    59 – 19 weightlifter / rustily
    60 – 18 weightlifter / rustly
    61 – 17 weightlifters / suey
    62 – 20 weightlifters / shuteye
    63 – 19 weightlifters / slushy
    64 – 21 weightlifters / stultify
    65 – 19 weightlifters / stylus
    66 – 21 weightlifters / styluses
    67 – 18 weightlifters / suety
    68 – 20 weightlifters / sulfury
    69 – 19 weightlifters / surety
    70 – 18 weightlifters / surfy
    71 – 18 weightlifters / surly
    72 – 20 weightlifters / surlily
    73 – 17 reweights / stultify
    74 – 16 reweights / sulfury
    75 – 15 rightwise / eyeful
    76 – 16 rightwise / eyefuls

    77 – 16 fluteyer* / reweighs
    78 – 18 fluteyest* / tightwire*
    79 – 19 fluteyest* / tightwires*
    80 – 18 flyweight / thrustful*
    81 – 18 flyweight / thurifies*
    82 – 15 flyweight / thurls*
    83 – 17 flyweight / tsurises*
    84 – 16 flyweight / tufters*
    85 – 17 flyweight / turfites*
    86 – 17 flyweights / seisure*
    87 – 18 flyweights / seisures*
    88 – 17 flyweights / seruewe*
    89 – 18 flyweights / seruewes*
    90 – 17 flyweights / seysure*
    91 – 18 flyweights / seysures*
    92 – 15 flyweights / sieur*
    93 – 16 flyweights / sieurs*
    94 – 18 flyweights / silurist*
    95 – 19 flyweights / silurists*
    96 – 15 flyweights / sture*
    97 – 17 flyweights / suetier*
    98 – 15 flyweights / suhur*
    99 – 16 flyweights / suhurs*
    100 – 18 flyweights / sulfuret*
    101 – 19 flyweights / sulfurets*
    102 – 19 flyweights / sulfurier*
    103 – 20 flyweights / sulfuriest*
    104 – 19 flyweights / sulfurise*
    105 – 20 flyweights / sulfurises*
    106 – 18 flyweights / sulfuryl*
    107 – 19 flyweights / sulfuryls*
    108 – 13 flyweights / sur*
    109 – 15 flyweights / sures*
    110 – 17 flyweights / surfier*
    111 – 18 flyweights / surfiest*
    112 – 20 lightweights / sulfuryl*
    113 – 21 lightweights / sulfuryls*
    114 – 19 sulfuryl* / lightweight
    115 – 20 sulfuryl* / lightweights
    116 – 16 tightwire* / eyefuls
    117 – 18 tightwires* / stultify
    118 – 17 tightwires* / sulfury
    119 – 18 tightwires* / sulfuryl*
    120 – 19 tightwires* / sulfuryls*
    121 – 14 twyeres* / sighful*
    122 – 13 twyers / sighful*
    123 – 17 weighters* / stultify
    124 – 16 weighters* / sulfury
    125 – 17 weighters* / sulfuryl*
    126 – 18 weighters* / sulfuryls*
    127 – 20 weightlifters / seysure*
    128 – 21 weightlifters / seysures*
    129 – 19 weightlifters / shufty*
    130 – 21 weightlifters / shuteyes*
    131 – 21 weightlifters / slushily*
    132 – 21 weightlifters / sulfuryl*
    133 – 22 weightlifters / sulfuryls*
    134 – 15 weights / sulfuryl*
    135 – 16 weights / sulfuryls*

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