Letter Boxed July 03, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed July 03, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


79 thoughts on “Letter Boxed July 03, 2024 Answers”

    1. bravo! i was looking for a partner for MASTERFUL. settled for FILMIC-CAUTERIZES and FIRMA-ACTUALIZES instead

      1. Those were my two: FILMIC–CAUTERIZES and CZARISM–MASTERFUL. Was determined to make CAUTERIZES work, but it took some doing. I did give up on pairing FUTURISM, though.

        1. Same here. I got CAUTERIZES quickly and FILM was staring me in the face. Took a long time for me to just guess FILMIC out of pure frustration but it worked!

          Surprised that SAZERAC was not accepted given what the OA is. I think the word has become broader than the brand name.

      2. FILMIC – CAUTERIZES for me too. I knew it was too awkward to be OA, so kept on looking, and found MASTERFUL, but could not find the pair. CZARISM is is great find!

        All alternatives have been much preferable to the OA. 🤦‍♂️

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, PGGIE, Mr.LWMMM,

        🎉 🎉 YAY!!! You both got it! Good job! 🤓👍

        LIMIT, indeed! 🤓👍

      1. Radioactive Flower

        Hey, BILL DUFFIN,

        You are probably right! Because the OA is a 19/2 with an E as connector. 😉👍


        I always use INQUIRING, but the British evidently prefer ENQUIRING. (??)

        Maybe others can chime in on that speculation.

        1. Radioactive Flower

          Sir BILL DUFFIN,

          Yes, Absolutely! You got the OA! WOW!!! 😉

          RECEIVABLE – ENQUIRING, indeed! 🤓🤗

          Double thumbs up!!! 👍👍

    Our new and improved tequila.


    craftsmaster, n. A person who is expert and experienced in a craft or other skilled occupation; a person who demonstrates great skill or artistry in designing…

    ⁺In Merriam-Webster

      1. Good one DM. I’m relying on the OED more lately.

        There are still odd exceptions though. I wanted to use “reactualizes” and could only find it in MW. It was not in OED, and it was not in the Scrabble checker I use.

    1. Hey Mark!
      i had been so busy writing up my odyssey (or diatribe) that i didn’t notice you had already done one of the solutions that i came up with!

      I looked at the OED again and i see it has both spellings!
      Interesting that OED says that CRAFTSMASTER is older than CRAFTMASTER.

      I have a different LB question for you, but i need to look up some stuff first … maybe this weekend i can do that.

      1. Sounds good McBee. I’m seeing others here using other dictionaries too. I might try to branch out a little, trying to catch those exceptional cases.

    1. same …

      Luke [wincing]: I’ll never join you!

      Voted best scene of father and son bonding. I mean, Vader is literally a Disney Dad.

      1. This is where my journey ended as well. A little unusual because the Zs are typically in the middle of words, but I will shed no tears over this solve. Hope everyone has a ZESTFUL day!

      2. Bernie Horowitz

        Never saw the OA, but Yes to Zestful Lacrima, a one-word wine review; also Czarism Masterful, which seems redundant; Ultramafic Crazes, which periodically sweep the Geology field; Filmic Cauterizes, see Gone With the Wind; Factualism Mazer, a helpful philosophy for maze runners – too bad that’s not what Mazer means, but why shouldn’t it?; and Metricize Earfuls, for prescription drops. Back to Feast after yesterday’s Famine.

  2. (untitled)
    Faults mesmerize,
    fractures cauterize zestful estuaries.
    A czarism, masterful? Merciful?
    Only the laziest earful, lacrimal.

    (all words from today’s array except: not, only, the

    1. Initially I see someone walking across a glacier.
      Then the thought of current politics enters the walker’s mind.

    2. Hey Jill! I’m tagging to you, hours later, because it seems so far you are the only other person who mentioned “fractures”.

      Actually the first word that popped out to me from today’s array was “FRACTURIZES”
      – and i would’ve done
      – then “FRACTURALIZES” but LB rejected both. I guess i was thinking one of them might be a geological or crystallography term, but no.
      So then i tried just
      “FRACTURES” which LB accepts, but LB rejected both of my possible matches “SIMILIZE” and “SIMILARIZE” even though both are in the major dictionaries.
      Then i tried:
      (notice the spelling) and CRAFTMASTER, each to be paired with:
      LB was fine with “Ruralize” but rejected “Craftsmaster” (a Merriam-Webster’s word) and “Craftmaster” (an OED word). I am completely baffled by that.
      Anyway, sometime after that i got my zest back and i figured the OA must be the:
      turns out it’s no OA but at least LB didn’t reject my enthusiastic tears!

      1. After reading Mark’s entry earlier today,
        I looked at the OED again and i see it has both spellings:
        Interesting that OED says that first evidence of CRAFTSMASTER is 1548, a little older than CRAFTMASTER (1557). Both words are in translations, but by different people. I don’t know what works they were translating, or from what languages.

        BUT – i do hope LB will consider adding both spellings! 😎

    1. Another Filmic Cauterizes here.

      It’s not really the visual aspect that stands out with cautery. Maybe a golden opportunity for smell-o-vision!

      1. Yep!
        … my dermatologist loves using his micro-arcwelder on me – and he always uses a welder’s mask while he’s working with it!

      1. Thomas Roussel

        Similarly :


        (Although I suspect that a metric answer won’t be popular with our American friends)

        1. Hi Thomas, I’m an American and I use the metric systems all the time. All good. 🙂

          Physics use the “meter-kilogram-second”, and Chemistry uses the “centimeter-gram-second” frameworks.

          The American (British Imperial) system is the “foot-slug-second” and it’s sometimes awkward, not being based on 10.


  3. Karen McnCheese


    No furtive tears — cry enthusiastically! I tried to combine actualize, friezes, eczema, seizure, sacrifice, malice with something. No luck.

  4. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 15 cartfuls / sizeism
    2 – 13 cartfuls / smize
    3 – 14 cartfuls / smizes
    4 – 16 filmic / cauterizes
    5 – 16 fistular / racemize
    6 – 17 fistular / racemizes
    7 – 14 futurism / mezcal
    8 – 15 futurism / mezcals
    9 – 20 marmalizes / surfcaster
    10 – 16 merciful / lazarets
    11 – 15 merciful / laziest
    12 – 15 firma / actualizes
    13 – 16 czarism / masterful
    14 – 15 tzarism / merciful
    15 – 19 ultrafaster / racemize
    16 – 20 ultrafaster / racemizes
    17 – 20 ultrafilter / racemizes
    18 – 19 ultramafic / casualize
    19 – 20 ultramafic / casualizes
    20 – 20 ultramafic / cauterizes
    21 – 16 ultramafic / crazes
    22 – 18 ultramafic / craziest
    23 – 17 ultramafic / crazies
    24 – 15 zestful / lacrimal
    25 – 16 zestful / lacrimals
    26 – 14 zestful / lacrima
    27 – 19 factualism / marmalize
    28 – 20 factualism / marmalizes
    29 – 15 factualism / mazer
    30 – 16 factualism / mazier
    31 – 19 factualism / mercerize
    32 – 20 factualism / mercerizes
    33 – 19 factualism / mesmerize
    34 – 20 factualism / mesmerizes
    35 – 20 factualism / mesmerizer
    36 – 18 factualism / macarize
    37 – 19 factualism / macarizes
    38 – 16 factualism / mamzer
    39 – 19 factualism / metricize
    40 – 20 factualism / metricizes
    41 – 17 factualism / metrize
    42 – 18 factualism / metrizes
    43 – 17 familic / cauterizes
    44 – 18 filmizes / surfcaster
    45 – 16 framea / actualizes
    46 – 16 metricize / earfuls
    47 – 14 miltzes / surface
    48 – 15 miltzes / surfaces
    49 – 15 miltzes / surfacer
    50 – 17 miltzes / surfcaster

    51 – 19 aftermasts* / sulcalize*
    52 – 20 aftermasts* / sulcalizes*
    53 – 16 cartfuls / similize*
    54 – 17 cartfuls / similizes*
    55 – 16 cartfuls / sizeisms*
    56 – 19 facsimilist* / tzurises*
    57 – 18 facsimilists* / scruze*
    58 – 19 facsimilists* / scruzes*
    59 – 19 facsimilists* / seizure
    60 – 20 facsimilists* / seizures
    61 – 18 factualism / mamzerim*
    62 – 19 factualism / marmarize*
    63 – 20 factualism / marmarizes*
    64 – 17 factualism / mauzier*
    65 – 20 factualism / mercerizer*
    66 – 20 factualisms* / sacralize
    67 – 21 factualisms* / sacralizes
    68 – 18 factualisms* / sazerac*
    69 – 19 factualisms* / sazeracs*
    70 – 17 factualisms* / scruze*
    71 – 18 factualisms* / scruzes*
    72 – 17 factualisms* / seizer
    73 – 18 factualisms* / seizure
    74 – 19 factualisms* / seizures
    75 – 16 factualisms* / sizer
    76 – 17 factualisms* / sizier*
    77 – 20 factualisms* / sterilize
    78 – 21 factualisms* / sterilizer
    79 – 21 factualisms* / sterilizes
    80 – 16 factures* / similize*
    81 – 17 factures* / similizes*
    82 – 17 fractures / similize*
    83 – 18 fractures / similizes*
    84 – 15 fractus* / similize*
    85 – 16 fractus* / similizes*
    86 – 18 futurisms* / sacralize
    87 – 19 futurisms* / sacralizes
    88 – 18 futurisms* / sulcalize*
    89 – 19 futurisms* / sulcalizes*
    90 – 16 futzes / salimetric*
    91 – 15 fuzes / salimetric*
    92 – 16 fuzils* / salimetric*
    93 – 14 fuzils* / scamster
    94 – 18 metrifies / sulcalize*
    95 – 19 metrifies / sulcalizes*
    96 – 15 mezcals / surfiest*
    97 – 15 mirifical* / lutzes
    98 – 19 similizes* / surfcaster
    99 – 16 ultramafic / ceazes*
    100 – 18 ultramafic / cruizies*
    101 – 17 ultramafic / cruzies*
    102 – 18 zestful / lacrimaries*
    103 – 15 zurfs* / salimetric*

  5. TZARISM-MERCIFUL, with just 5 minutes to go before the puzzle switched over at midnight! This morning I saw CAUTERIZES almost immediately and thought it would be an easy solve… but found no pair (never heard of “FILMIC”) and then tried over 30 words throughout the day.

    Some of the ones I found:

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