Letter Boxed January 31, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 31, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


47 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 31, 2025 Answers”

      1. I use it in my LB writings. It stands for: “suspected singular solution”. It’s initially only “suspected” since we never know if some other solution will be found before the game resets to the next day. It’s just a hunch, or an educated guess. If the SSS lives for 24 hours, then it goes down in the book as a true singular solution, an SS.

    1. Technically, TWELFTHS saves this array from singularity. But all these puzzles without variety are getting tiresome. This site is a lot more entertaining when it’s not filled with “OA.”

        1. Whoa, I didn’t know how much a fifth actually was. So looked it up: 17 shots! Like, the whole bottle. Way too janky for me. I’ll stick to twelfths (1 shot) after all.

      1. There is a disproportionate number of Q’s, Z’s, J’s and X’s that end up in the puzzles and they contribute to the higher-than-normal number of one-answer solutions.

          1. Janky is a word that’s only been around since the 80’s? And more of a slang term I think. I’ve only known one or two people who used that term.

    2. I missed yesterday on YUZU. Today it was a janky journey to the OA.

      And wasn’t TWELFTH part of a solution not too long ago?

          1. Yes. That recollection was helpful to finishing the solve today. Had Jankiest pretty quickly. Still took a little while to get Twelfth. Happy to be done.

  1. OA, but they could really construct puzzles that are just as good without resorting to words nobody ever uses except in word games.

    1. Oh, I like that 3w! I only found a bunch of 4w’s, with some TI (thematic integrity), got a bunch of -iest words but didn’t think of “Jankiest” – janky really an iffy slang word to me- also missed Twelfth.
      JAW WEAKENS SELFISH HIT; JAILS SELFISH HAWKS SENT, etc. Oh, also got JAIL LIKELIEST THIEF but lacked NW, so 5w’s e.g. Jail Likeliest Thief Flew Wan (or Went)

    1. Fail here. I wouldn’t have come up with JANKIEST with a gun to my head. I was disappointed that neither WHITESNAKE nor FLANKEN were accepted. WHITESNAKE I can sort of understand. But Sam has accepted Yiddish words that go far beyond FLANKEN.

  2. Tried JAWFISH, FISHLIKE, SWANLIKE before finally finding OA. Agree on the lower enjoyment level of the constrained puzzles. But still like the mental challenge to start my day. Off to SB!

  3. Not a fan of so many LB’s that include J.

    Wrestled with all sorts of ugly-sounding FISH, Jawfish, Flatfish, SNAKEFISH, WHITEFISH (not so ugly, tho)

    before coming across TWELFTH and then mercifully the OA.

  4. Got OA! – In my 70+ years, I first heard the word janky about two years ago and my daughter defined it for me. Tried jank and it took. Tried swankiest and it took. Then tried jankiest and it worked. Twelfth came quickly after that.

  5. Saw jank but not jankiest so failed today. Because I’m childish I always try any rude words I find to see if they are accepted. They usually aren’t but was very surprised that the one I found today was acceptable. It makes a grubby thematic pair with the first word in today’s OA but I’m too polite to share it.

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