Letter Boxed January 30, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 30, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


50 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 30, 2025 Answers”

    1. Same. Started out with UTILIZE but found COMPLEX shortly thereafter and then it all fell into place.

      A featured dish in an Omakase dinner.

  1. OA
    suspected singular solution (SSS)
    But I’ve seen before, later in the day, someone may pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat..

    1. I would be astonished if there were another solution.

      IMHO, Sam missed an opportunity today. If he had used S in place of Z, he could have gratified the Pittsboig crowd (“Youse wants ta go dahntahn, grab some sammitches, an’ watch the Stillers?”) and opened up a couple of very entertaining alternative solutions. Anyone want to have a go??

      YOUSE, by the way, is a PSW.

  2. COMPLEXITY — YUZU (I have used YUZU multiple times in the past).


    Have never seen YUZU before and have no idea what it means. Just tossed it in to used remaining letters and, much to my surprise, it worked. My massive Webster’s Unabridged has no entry for that.

  4. To continue my earlier post… had done a Merriam word search seeking any word containing YUZ. Finding words starting with Y revealed YUZU Who knew?

      1. I found COMPLEXITY fairly quickly, but then I got stuck for a bit because I really wanted it to be YUTZ so bad that I couldn’t see the YUZU and went off fooling around with EXEMPT, POLEMICIZE, EXOTICIZE, AND POLTICIZE until I saw the YUZU and realized it’d work with COMPLEXITY.

        It’s funny how we end up spending beaucoup time sometimes even after we’ve found one of the two and so the answer is right in front of us but we don’t see it.

        I’ve found if I’ve spent considerable time on it, if I just walk away for a bit and then come back, I often come to the answer right away.

  5. Exoticize – Employ – Yum. Settled for 3 today. Complexity was the first word I came up with, but I’ve never heard of Yuzu.

  6. OA. Started with -PLEX as a potential suffix, very close to MULTIPLEX being possible. Then found COMPLEX, then COMPLEXITY. The tried to match the ZU to the beginning (ZUC? ZUMIC? 🤷‍♂️), before realizing that more often in these situations Ezersky goes for the harder link. YUZU it was.

  7. Got complexity in seconds,then spent hours on complexly toxicity politicize complicity and others before trying “made up “ words Ty I Yukon etc. wish I’d tried yuzu

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