Letter Boxed January 29, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 29, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


32 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 29, 2025 Answers”

    1. Darn! I had MOUNTAINTOP and PARABOLA but didn’t think how to add a suffix. I guess I was on AUTOPILOT playing BADMINTON with a MINOTAUR who happens to be my ADMIN.

      1. Glad you were able to PINPOINT those Tom. 🙂

        I did a PRINTOUT of all the chemical elements I saw. With the UM ending available today there was a TRAINLOAD of them: BARIUM, DUBNIUM, INDIUM, IRIDIUM, POLONIUM, RADIUM. ☕☕

    1. Tried that, didn’t work, hence the asterisk, I assume. Neither did dioptra, which should have.

      Really fiendish letter placements, not allowing tion, am, an, or.



    I found PARABOLA earlier but that left the D, so I tried PARABOLOID (even though LB usually doesn’t like the OID suffix).

  2. OA. But definitely took awhile. Came up with very few 6+ letter words on the way. UNIPOLAR, ALBUMIN, MOUNTAIN, and MINOTAUR and IMPOUND were the only things I had before seeing LABRUM and happily being able to finish it.

  3. Had… Mountaintop, Printout, Rainout, Outlaid, Outpoint, Imprint, Impart, Inbound, Untold, Unblind, Barium, Albarium, Labrat but couldn’t close the deal 😩😵‍💫😞

    Close with…
    Printout – Tabloid (no M)
    Mountaintop – Parboil (no D)
    Mountaintop – Parbola (no D)

    Mountainlion, Burialmound were compound words.

    1. This is hilarious. Love it. Hope you stick with the puzzle and the site. Can’t wait to see what else you com up with.


  4. I thought I’d be the only one with MOUNTAINTOP – PARABOLOID but it seems we all arrived at the arched summit together! 😄

  5. Burlap (mid)Point
    yah, I know. I finally gave up somewhere in the middle there. Guess its sackcloth and ashes for me today.

    1. Parabola was one of my first words, had mountaintop and really liked tabloid but never took the “oid” over the mountain and down in the valley. Also, midbrain worked as well as midpoint. And those are some words we had in common today.

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