Letter Boxed January 26, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 26, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


90 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 26, 2025 Answers”


      Very quickly after yesterday’s defeat. I just took a wild guess at ROQUE then had to go back it up once LB accepted it.

        1. Festivals Sword, pulled from a stone at the Renaissance Faire.

          indeed, THIS, indeed. Roque Explained (but only because I looked it up). Surely this is a better answer than the OA?

      1. That was what I got. Spent a lot of time unsuccessfully trying to pair Equinox. Now to go back and try to solve yesterday’s puzzle. Didn’t get an answer yesterday but haven’t quite given up.

      1. I get there’s a match with “explainer” too.

        Thought I was onto something pairing “equoid”, but LB didn’t accept. It’s in at least MW.

    2. Yes, QUADRIPOLE – EQUINOX here too, but shouldn’t have shied away from quadriplex because of the x on the end, I DO know the periodic table.

      1. Those solutions appealed to me too. I like when Physics and Chem come into play. I went the Quadripole route, since Equinox sweetened the deal. 🙂

        1. And then there’s the part with live chickens and hand grenades and old men chasing you around yelling,”get off the pickleball court!” But I think that’s the advanced version.

    1. The same, footnotes for The Shining?

      ROQUE – EXPLAINED (14)

      There’s at least one optimal 3,

      DRIP – PLAQUE – EXON (14)

    1. (Poularde is a culinary term for a chicken that is at least 120 days old at the time of slaughter and fattened with a rich diet that delays egg production)

  1. UNEXPLORED – DAQUIRI*. My anthem during Dry January.

    Actually, I didn’t know until just now that DAQUIRI is an accepted variant of DAIQUIRI, both playable in Scrabble. You learn something new every day! I have to say that I love the OA, though; any transition on X gets my vote for solution of the day.

  2. QUADRIPLEX — XENON This pair seems very familiar as solves.

    Found ADRENALINE and NORADRENALINE but couldn’t do anything with them.

    Found QUADPLEX but couldn’t connect either. Once I typed in QUADRIPLEX, it only left an ON and XENON was right there. I am pretty sure that I have used it in a previous solve.

    1. Bill, perhaps you are thinking of MULTIPLEX (Oct 16 2024 OA) memories of which led me to today’s OA.

      There is a search area at the end of this site where one can look up previous OA words- pointed out to me by Mark

      1. Hi Steph, yes, it’s a nice feature. It’d been great if they could add that Edit Comment feature too. Every other social media platform has this minimal functionality. So often I realize I made a mistake immediately after I hit the Post button. 😞🙂

      2. Yes, it seems that MULTIPLEX has been used several times, so that must have been it. I searched for XENON but nothing came up, so perhaps I used it for a one-off solve that was different from the official one. I HATE not being able to edit as I always make a mistake or two when initially typing. 🙁

  3. But QUADRIPLEX isn’t a word, not according to Webster’s, Cambridge or OED. In fact, when I did a Boolean search of all English dictionaries, it came up in none except Wiktionary, which we all know contains loads of misspelled words and nonwords because truly anyone can add to it and anyone does all the time.

    QUADRUPLEX is a word, but QUADRIPLEX isn’t, so NYT’s two-word solution doesn’t actually work.

    1. Per the OED:

      Quadriplex, variant of quadruplex

      Telecommunications. Originally: designating a system of telegraphy enabling four messages to be sent over a wire at the same time, two in each direction.

      1. Thanks Bill!
        when i first saw the NYT solution, i was doubtful like Ben and did a simple DDG search with and without quotes and “quadriplex” and DDG returned “quadruplex” for both MW and OED. Actually searching in MW, “quadriplex” wasn’t in it, but in OED i got the result that you mentioned.
        However, i do have a question about the OED entry … if the definition of quadriplex, or even quadruplex has to do with telegraphy, why do they indicate the first use of the word dates back to 1606?

        Anyway, for some reason i thought of QuadrAplex first, another word that does not seem to be in OED or MW but LB did accept it today!
        So i thought i had it made with it, but unfortunately it’s match word XENOPODIDAE dies just before that last letter because AE are on the same side …

        So i ended up with
        two words i’m a little surprised LB took, but it did.

        1. I just checked again to see if I miskeyed it. I didn’t. It doesn’t appear in OED’s online dictionary.

          But even if it’s some obscure other thing or variant spelling, it’s a poor solution because it’s one thing for the puzzle to accept some obscure word or spelling we put in, but it’s another thing entirely for it to have it be the solution for the day, especially with all the common words we see it refuse regularly.

          It’s like with NYT’s other puzzle Wordle. Sure, it accepts all kinds of words, but it’s not going to make its solution for a given day be some obscure word or obscure variant spelling that doesn’t appear in all of the major dictionaries but can only maybe found in some massive unabridged dicitonary, like maybe appearing in OED’s unabridged that’s got 20 volumes out but not in its standard one that’s just one book, albeit a quite massive book.

      2. I just checked again to see if I miskeyed it. I didn’t. It doesn’t appear in OED’s online dictionary.

        But even if it’s some obscure other thing or variant spelling, it’s a poor solution because it’s one thing for the puzzle to accept some obscure word or spelling we put in, but it’s another thing entirely for it to have it be the solution for the day, especially with all the common words we see it refuse regularly.

        It’s like with NYT’s other puzzle Wordle. Sure, it accepts all kinds of words, but it’s not going to make its solution for a given day be some obscure word or obscure variant spelling that doesn’t appear in all of the major dictionaries but can only maybe found in some massive unabridged dicitonary, like maybe appearing in OED’s unabridged that’s got 20 volumes but not in its standard one that’s just one book, albeit a quite massive book.

  4. ROQUE EXPLAINED here as well after spending quite a bit of time trying to pair UNEXPLAINED and then UNEXPLODED, etc. Glad I read all the posts here as my vocab has increased and I learned about looking up the previous words. Missed yesterday after 24 straight wins. Starting a new streak……

  5. ROQUE – EXPLAINED for me too, then I immediately went to google to have ROQUE EXPLAINED to me.

    I had initially thought I solved it with UNEXPLODED – DAQUIRI, but that EXPLODED in my face when I realized I didn’t know how to spell DAIQUIRI! 💥🍸

      When I stumbled on dioxane and LB accepted it, I had to look up what it meant.
      It is a man-made, flammable, colorless liquid that is used as a solvent and stabilizer.
      Discovering the definition of the chemical compound reinforces my decision to leave dioxane unexplored!
      Btw, I also tried Daiquiri and realized I didn’t know how to spell it correctly, either.

      1. Oops. just realized I have left the “Q” hanging out in mid-air. So, not a two word solve yet! Back to the drawing board 🙁

    2. Hey Mos!
      i had that same spelling problem! i had thought for sure UNEXPLODED DAQUIRI would be the OA because of its TI, but alas LB said no.
      But DW says Daquiri is an okay spelling in Scrabble 😎

  6. So I haven’t looked at all of the answers here but did anyone else get Aquiline – Exploder? I have no clue how I came up with it or how my brain got there haha..

    1. Yep … it was like my third (and final) major try …
      you’ll see several other Exploders in here …
      I really wanted to do EXPLODED DAIQUIRIS
      but we can’t get a “correctly” spelled Daiquiri in today’s letter array …

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