Letter Boxed January 23, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 23, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


49 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 23, 2025 Answers”

    1. Same. I think that makes 5 out of the last 6 where I land on the OA. That is fairly odd for me. Unless the solutions are one-offs.


    Found CRETINIZING and GENTILIZING* before seeing WINTER and WINTERIZING. GULCH was right there.

    1. Same here! First day this week we’ve been out of subzero temps this week, but I couldn’t find any ~IZING words and got hung up on GLITZIER instead. Smiled when I finally spotted WINTERIZE and GULCH was obvious in the leftovers. 4th OA in a row!

    1. Takes us back to the excellent Frostbite Eunuch solution from last week or the week before!
      OA again today, suspect it’s a one-off. Winterizing Gulch is on the agenda at the Snowmakers’ Summit.

  2. I do struggle with -izing words (not from US)…but I thought I’d share a three because I was interested to see Zilch is accepted and made this sweet phrase about an up and coming sport: zilch hunting grew

  3. Glad I stopped at CHEWING-GLITZIER (no U). WINTERIZE is not a real word, in my view, and I have never heard of GULCH. Sounds like something out of Dr Seuss. 🤔

  4. OA

    BTW, there were a bunch of -ing words that it’d have taken -ingly for if there’d been
    a y and that it should’ve alternatively taken -inglier for but didn’t. Just something I noticed.

  5. I’m ashamed to say I don’t know if I’ve ever seen the word “winterizing” before.

    The best I could do was in 3.

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