Letter Boxed January 21, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 21, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


129 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 21, 2025 Answers”

          1. You’re too much, MVUA.
            I had Nobler Rivercraft, in the Royal Barge Procession, and Verification Noble, needed to participate therein. Also Forcible Elevation (“Get up there, You!”) and Enforceable Evict / Forceable Eviction (“Get out of there, You!”), plus Fabrication Novel (either the latest thing off the assembly line or fiction from the industrial revolution) and Fabricator Revelation (viz The Jungle and other such fiction). Plenty more where those came from; it’s a prolific array today!

        1. Here also with FABRICATION-NOVEL. Except mine took the circuitous route.

          This answer is about the novel novel with made up things in it.

      1. Yeah, I got this as well. What the hell does NEVEL mean? My massive Webster’s Unabridged does not even list it. And why did I not see NOVEL???

  1. The ELABORATIVE—ENFORCER preferred his NONFICTION—NONVERBAL. It served more of a RECTIFICATIVE—ELABORATION for him. It helped him understand his FACTORABLE—ENVIRON. But there was always a FIREABLE—EVICTION from the VELVETLEAF—FABRICATION. So he accepted the FOREVER—RECALIBRATION, pausing on the CALIBRATOR—RIVERFRONT.

      1. I agree there are a lot of great solutions with both the -TION and -ABLE endings. I found ENFORCEABLE – EVICTION. While I did not need the -ION ending to achieve a two-word solve I liked the thematic ring it provided.

  2. Indeed I know no ENFORCEABLE contract
    Of cosmic representation exists,
    Yet still I come forth,
    With a VOTIVE forged by my own fists,
    And I require no VERIFCATION,
    That my deity’s NOBLE heart is worthy,
    Of art for art’s sake,
    Though my desires still persist…

  3. A VOTIVE I presented
    NOBLE and free of reward
    Nameless, devoid of VERIFICATION
    Why mustn’t art be ENFORCEABLE?
    Art is no agreement, but an ELECTION
    Of the heart to FAVORABLE eyes

      1. Indeed, I thought I had something with VIVIFICATION NOBLER
        but see someone had REVIVIFICATION etc.

        How ’bout…

  4. Some seem to fear that the notification nonverbal ( unspoken message) of the recent election is a forever recalibration.don’t. It was a nobler recertification but …. The pendulum swings

  5. Great job today LB nation! You were out in force! Last one for me, don’t think I’ve seen it, levitate enforceable. Night

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