Here are the Letter Boxed January 20, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.
Sides of this Letter Box are:
The answers are:
OA, very quick today
Yah, something’s fishy about this.
Also the OA in less than 10 minutes, but thought I was onto something with Entanglement, Unentangle, Unmangled, Tomato-something?
I thought JUXT or JUXTA might be one of the solve words, but neither accepted.
On a role! OA today.
Same 🙂
What does OA mean in this context please? I can see thst it means “I got that too” but I haven’t been able to work out how. Thanks
OA in record time
OA super-quick
Same. Super quick
Instant OA. This has to have been my fastest solve ever.
Me too. Very unlike me.
A rare instance where LB accepted a NON word.
Same, in about 2 minutes;
Adjudge—Extolment. Evaluate claims of crowd size at the inauguration.
Same. In five minutes.
Adjudgement Taxol
JUDGEMENT-TAXOL worked for me. But should have noticed judgmental, esp after trying elemental.
Yes judgement -taxol first. Then judgemental -lox. Knew first wouldn’t be listed
JUDGEMENTAL-LOX (am I the only one who added an extra e)
it must be on an everything bagel
OA with the extra e like Original Steph.
originale° Steph? 😉
🤣, Marke!
Mee too!
No, same here.
Judgemental-lox….quickly. I have a friend who struggles with this puzzle. She solved it in 2 for the first time today.
I got it right away; usually I struggle and seldom get it right!
I had the extra E as well.
I did! Think this may be the British spelling? 🤔
Yes e also
Same, learned something new today that it can be spelled either way.
I did the same.
OA, very quickly.
why did I add an E? Lol
Same. Without the extra E.
I also got this. I learned what Taxol is, too.
I was going for TAXOLOGY (no Y available)
Was backing out of the word and stopped at TAXOL. Eureka!
You probably knew the word already, Richie. 😊
I probably remember TAXOL from my Scrabble-playing days.
Judgemental Lox. I don’t like the way that fish is looking at me. This may be my favorite OA of all time.
Since we’re all wordlovers here, I will mention a recent story saying Lox is the oldest word with its current meaning that linguists have been able to trace back through time. Apparently you coulda gone to a Sumerian bazaar, asked “Lox?”, and been pointed to the nearest purveyor.
And now I have finally caught up on my LB reporting!
Bernie, is that incredible story real or fake 🙃?!
I read that as well, Bernie.
I think I heard it in a piece on Public Radio. Definitely a real story! Maybe the same story speculating that the first human vocal communication was “Huh?” That one tickles me!
With kvetchup.
Oh, THIS… whatever are we going to do with you?
OA super quickly, like others. Never even tried any other words.
Judgement taxol
When NONJUDGMENTAL only left the X, it was like the other day when just one letter was left and I got so thirsty for a one-word solution. Alas.
*I meant AX and two (sorry)
OA on my first attempt!
OA in seconds
Judgment Taxol
Water was still boiling for the coffee! Fastest solve ever on a day when any and all distractions are needed. Going to eat a bagel now 😊
I see AXON would work even better.
judgmental – lox
Judgemental lox. Very quickly. Both Husband and myself
Letterboxed in two…nothing bad could happen today! Right? Right?
OA almost immediately.