Here are the Letter Boxed January 15, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.
Sides of this Letter Box are:
The answers are:
HANDIWORK-KEYHOLE. found WRINKLED but somehow ANYHOW eluded me. wondering if there are partners for HONEYDEW and WORKLOAD
Honeydew does have a PSW partner:
It’s an alternate spelling of “valkyrie”.
Same here too
Literally every word you wrote applied to me.
Anyhow also eluded me after finding wrinkled!! Finally got to handiwork – keyhole after a whole lunch hour. Back to work!
I had the exact same experience! Found WRINKLED almost immediately, but couldn’t see ANYHOW! But I eventually found HANDIWORK – KEYHOLE!
Same same here. Once I found Handiwork, I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Keyhole seemed desperate.
Yeah, that’s where I ended up..had Handiwork quickly, yet Keyhole evaded me forever. Thankfully got it.
HANDIWORK-KEYHOLE, too. My fastest finish. And yet beaten to the post.
Me three. It jumped out at me even as I was toying with Wrinkled. Seems it should have been the OA, from the early vote.
The myopic spy
Gets poked in the eye
When truth unlocks the door.
(Where’s Jill? This is terrible).
I love it!
(We’re desperate for truth to unlock the door.)
another HANDIWORK-KEYHOLE. imagining a fancy embellishment by a seamstress
Glad you are back!
Intended for Bernie!
Always lurking, Goldie!
Nice…I got HANDIWORK but couldn’t nail the L with KEY!!
Same sentiments.
HANDIWORK – KEYHOLE here, too. HANDYWORK* – KELOID also does the trick.
Jill, welcome back from the penalty box, and MVUA, thank you for filling in so poetically!
The OA is the last sentence of a diatribe about getting old; when you realize no one is listening…
This is great. Got a smile from me.
The spelling bee solution had me see WINK, which prompted WINKLED, which led to WRINKLED and the OA came to me in about a minute.
Surprised that HANDWORK was also accepted.
Same. And I thought keyhole would be at least part of the official answer.
I started with HANDWORK, too, which quickly led to HANDIWORK—KEYHOLE.
White, wrinkled, downy
With snow, whose handiwork wins
This MLK day?
Iowa, anyhow, wrinkled, downy, handiwork, win, day
OA for me. I also had HANDIWORK, but couldn’t see the KEYHOLE.
anyhow wrinkled
Like many of you, I got HANDIWORK and KEYHOLE.
when you’re in too much of a rush to iron! Or despite your best efforts, linen will stubbornly do what it does!
the elaborate craftsmanship of a locksmith! Or the skills of a very talented lock picker!
OA and quickest solve ever. Coffee wasn’t even ready yet!
Handiwork keyhole. Also loved not accepted but should be a word YAWED DRINKHOLE
I really wanted Daydrink accepted!
handiwork – keyhole
Handiwork – Keyhole
anyhow, wrinkled #2 try
anyhow and wrinkled
Me too. Late at night.
Everyone guessed the 2 two word solutions.
Here is the full list including Scrabble words:
** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **
(The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)
1 – 14 anyhow / wrinkled
2 – 16 handiwork / keyhole
3 – 17 daledh* / hornywink*
4 – 18 hairwork* / klondyke*
5 – 19 hairwork* / klondyked*
6 – 18 handiwork / klondyke*
7 – 19 handiwork / klondyked*
8 – 16 handywork* / keloid
9 – 19 handywork* / keloidal*
10 – 16 handywork* / kidel*
11 – 16 handywork* / kindle
12 – 17 handywork* / kindled
13 – 17 handywork* / kinkle*
14 – 18 handywork* / klondike
15 – 20 handywork* / klondiked*
16 – 17 handywork* / knaidel
17 – 17 handywork* / kneidel
18 – 20 hawkeyed* / dendroidal*
19 – 15 hieland* / daywork
20 – 17 honeydew / walkyrie*
21 – 19 hornywink* / keloidal*
22 – 17 hornywink* / knaidel
OA after a few false starts with daywork and workaday…
What does OA stand for ?
You can also be on the lookout for TI, meaning Thematic Integrity. And, from time to time, ALIOW, meaning At Least It’s Over With.
Official answer
OA, and it was such a long journey that it left me feeling WRINKLED. Spotted HANDIWORK very early on and kept coming back to it because it felt too efficient not to be part of the OA — congrats to everyone who found KEYHOLE, which eluded me! As SC noted, I also desperately wanted DAYDRINK to be accepted, as I spent a long time looking for a pair to HOWLED as well. Tricky one today!