Letter Boxed January 15, 2022 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed January 15, 2022 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


9 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 15, 2022 Answers”

  1. Found the official solution almost instantly. One of those days when my hours are not going to be letter boxed. Happy without trying for 13-2 solution.

    1. Same here, Marty. Hard to imagine another answer coming out of this set of letters. I was briefly sidetracked by the fabulous “Quincunx”; too bad there aren’t any words ending with Q or starting with X to go with it!

  2. I am thrilled. First time I got it in 2 words. First word that came to mind was toxic, and then quixotic popped right out. Cranky was a piece of cake after that. Don’t expect this to happen again for a long time; but, this is a happy day.

  3. For the first time in forever I got the letter boxed answer in less time than the pa gram of the Spelling Bee. I’m liking the puzzles with rare letters and fewer possible solutions.

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