Letter Boxed February 26, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed February 26, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


53 thoughts on “Letter Boxed February 26, 2025 Answers”

        1. These ten or eleven-letter answers always bug the hell out of me! I’m assuming somebody must hit a one-word solution from time to time, have either of you guys ever hit the holy grail, or seen it done? The first time I ever played I saw GROUNDWATER right away (not the OA), and thought “This is a cinch”… Assumed I’d be racking up one or two-word solutions every time I gave it a look without breaking a sweat…

          1. Oh yes, they exist, but extremely rare. I’ve been here three years now and have only seen one or two. I’ve found other ones , like a 14/1 one time I think.

          2. Also, there is an unheralded piece of Jill writing that day.
            Shoutout Jill! (I think you’re still here). Your poems remain my favorite potential pleasure on this board.

            And (unrelated but important) a thank you to DAVEL who appears to be gone.

          3. I think if you graph the total number of possible words using 1 to 12 letters, you’ll find relatively few at either end (1 and 12). Out of those relatively few 12 letter words, you will find a small fraction that have 12 *unique* letters. Out of that set, you will find words whose unique letters line up nicely in order to not only fit the matrix, but obey the cardinal rule of adjacent letters can’t be on the same side. I am sure that someone much smarter than me has written a program to find them. I would be curious to know just how many exist using the OED or any other dictionary.

    This is a rare case where LB accepts a ‘like’ word.

  2. First solution: MICROPARTICLE – EBIKE. But I play with the Scrabble word list. Even though LB accepted EBIKE, Scrabble did not. So on I marched to PROBIOTIC – CLAMLIKE*, which was fine with Scrabble but not LB.

    What a joy to type in 11 letters in a row! And… I suspect in old English, problematic would have been spelled PROBLEMATICK (14/0). 🤔 In Gulliver’s Travels, for example, in the original version you find ‘publick’ and ‘politick’. Boom!


    I don’t really like LIKE words, but most of my ELECTRO- words would not quite work, and LIKE allowed me to connect to the E.

  5. I was just thinking the other day that we had a poster located in Greece. That was sota21, no? Thanks for the memory jog, MVUA.

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