Letter Boxed February 24, 2023 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed February 24, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


44 thoughts on “Letter Boxed February 24, 2023 Answers”

    Official, and a seemingly tight set of letters today.
    I’ll explore the quads later this morning.
    ☕, and happy Friday. 🙂

    1. WONKISH – HARDLY here, as well. I went over a bunch of obvious ones, in YARD, DOWN, WARD, SHOWN, DRAWS, DRAWN, DRAWLY, RADIO, (A)HOLD, SLOW, RADIO, SLOW, SKIN, SINK, SHRINK, along with a few slightly more involved ones, such as SHADOW, RAKISHLY, HAWKISHLY, RAKISHLY, INWARDLY, ONWARDLY, SKYR, and SHIKAR (both LYNYRD and SKYNYRD were, justifiably, rejected 😉 ).

      1. SKYR again! It’s like the NUMBAT of cultured dairy products. It might be good on the KNISH, though!
        Tried to do something with HOWDAHS and KIOSKS and WINDOWS but ended up with the boring old official answer. I’m HARDLY surprised so many WONKS found an alternative (Actually, I am.)

    2. I tried WONKISHLY before WONKISH and am still confused as to why it wasn’t accepted. I didn’t expect WONKISH would be any good, but put it in and then immediately saw HARDLY.

    3. Same here, and in about the same amount of time. Got KNISH–HARDLY—YOW, regrouped, and crossed my fingers when I found WONKISH.

      1. “How clever I am!” he crowed rapturously, “oh, the cleverness of me!”

        It is humiliating to have to confess that this conceit of Peter was one of his most fascinating qualities. To put it with brutal frankness, there never was a cockier boy.

  2. The word ‘WRINKLY’ cuts a rather striking and symmetrical design across the box.
    Another aspect of the LB to appreciate that hasn’t been mentioned here (at least to my knowledge).

    1. Outstanding observation. It has vertical symmetry. I’ll start looking. There’s also the horizontal, 45°, and -45° symmetries.

      1. Glad you think so. I’ve noodled around and found words that cut cool designs across the box, but never a word that was part of a solution.

  3. I decided to take up a little challenge of trying to guess what the next day’s puzzle might look like. Submitting twelve letters, I’ll be checking my stats tomorrow, claiming one point for each correctly guessed letter in the right spot, and half a point for each correctly guessed letter in the wrong spot. Anyone interested in playing along, feel free to do so, being mindful of a couple of necessary stipulations about the array chosen:
    a. It should be yielding at least one solution comprising no more than two words
    b. It’d be better off not replicating older editions.
    So, getting things rolling in what I’ll be calling LBF (short for Letter-Boxed Forecast) I give you (TOP->RIGHT->BOTTOM->LEFT) NFH AOD GLI SPU.

    1. That’s a neat idea, SOTA. Am wondering why your inaugural run wouldn’t actually have ‘LBF’ on one of its sides. Probably more fun to work out from a two-word solution, though.

    2. Okay. I will take you up on the challenge. Top right bottom left
      try,ask,she,cld. I feel like letters from the day before tend to be repeated.

      1. Oops, there’s S twice there, TK. On second thought, it increases your odds of, at least, getting that right; let’s see, less than 5′ to go!

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