Letter Boxed February 06, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed February 06, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


78 thoughts on “Letter Boxed February 06, 2025 Answers”

    1. OA Burqas Solving the problem of women’s existence. The Burqas could be packed in yesterday‘s Diplomat Trunk.

    2. Third try at posting something that isn’t worth the effort, then I’m giving up… OA Burqas Solving the problem of women’s existence. The Burqas can be packed in yesterday‘s Diplomat Trunk.

    1. I banged my head against this same issue, because I had absolving and was really sure that was part of the OA.

      I just spent a couple of minutes checking and quora is not a word, because it is a proper noun and an acronym only.

      OED and Scrabble both say not a valid word. And then plural of quorum is quorums.
      I ended up needing help finding burqas because I was so frustrated with this.

    2. Same here, my 2w was QUORA ABSOLVING. Settled for QUA ABSOLVING GAR. Found QUAB/S ok’d even though not in 2 dictionaries in my computer. Tons of 3w’s or 2w missing one letter. Frustrating today! Didn’t think of Burqa/s.

    3. Oh LB dictionary, you are ever mysterious. MW does list quora as a plural for quarum, but ok, moving on. But then to find that they accept aquaria as a plural for aquariums? Maddeningly inconsistent.

  1. Doh, I kept spelling it BURQUA

    Another who felt robbed of QUORA*-ABSOLVING

    I really got hung up on aqualungs, vasovagal and liquoring.
    Close but no cigar today.

    1. I also was disappointed when MW said QUORA was plural of quorum but not LB.

      And also when ABSOLVING couldn’t link with QUASAR or SQUALOR.

  2. Another AQUARIA – ABSOLVING for me today. Got stuck on SQUARING for a long time before stumbling on ABSOLVING, and seemed to promising to pass up.

    Surprised OA uses BURQAS again, when BURQA was used last March in BURQA – ALMIGHTY. 🤷‍♂️

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