Letter Boxed February 03, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed February 03, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


49 thoughts on “Letter Boxed February 03, 2025 Answers”

    1. I got this in less than a minute, Was I just in a good mood, or was today’s puzzle mediocre?

      (That was my poor attempt at a TI.)

        1. LOL – similar. Got JOVIAL upon my first sip of coffee. Halfway through found lukewarm, but fortunately the coffee itself was still hot 🙂

          Gotta be a SS today!

  1. I had limited time to work on it now, so I settled for Jovial Lemur Rawk (was surprised Rawk was ok’d) but I wonder if I would’ve found Warm and Lukewarm if I’d had more time. I had just thought of Walk and had had More as possible parts of a compound word.

    1. I had the exact same journey with Jovial Lemur Rawk. I had Walk in there as well. My time was not limited though, but my energy faltered after awhile. Hard to believe rawk was accepted (seems like a weak contender for a place in the game), but eluvial/eluvium were not accepted (but in MW).


    Once I found JOVIAL (a great JV word from past puzzles), LUKEWARM was right there. I also spent a lot of time trying to get LEUKEMIA to work but couldn’t pair it.

    1. So, I am not seeing any solves other that the OA. SSS?

      I continue to be amazed that even on SSS days, dozens of folks get the solve. I would think that an SSS would be more difficult than, say, yesterday’s numerous solves (all excellent by the way). Maybe it has to do with how the words are visually laid out in the matrix (e.g. I saw LUKEWARM almost instantly). Anyway, back to work! 🙂

  3. OA in record time. Literally seconds. Saw JOVIAL right away then LUKEWARM came very easily! While it’s nice to see an answer right away, it’s weird not to have to work to find a pair… I guess we can never be happy with LB??? LOL

  4. I saw JOVIAL quickly as the only likely way to combine the two most awkward letters, but missed LUKEWARM and gave up. I’m out of practice!

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