Letter Boxed December 24, 2022 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed December 24, 2022 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


40 thoughts on “Letter Boxed December 24, 2022 Answers”

    1. Blotchier Rank here as well. It’s marginally less unpleasant than the official answer, but hardly holiday fare.
      Also got Branchlike Erotic/Erotica. Cloudy thematically (indecent topiary?), but I was determined to get LIKE in there somehow.
      Happy Soltistmasanukkah, All Y’all! Make Ye Merry on this Fest!

    2. Yeah, that was all I could squeeze out of this today. Some words I couldn’t find partners for included CRANKIER, LIBRARIAN, LIBERATOR, HEARTBREAKER, and HEARTBROKEN.

  1. Official, fairly quickly today. I guess a bloat thickener might be one way to describe the effect of some rich holiday foods or overindulging in them?

  2. You can’t be the last to arrive at the party and think you’re still going to be the best dancer, so I today I settled for the hardly decorative official solution.

  3. (words and pairs from June – Dec 2022)


    Abroad in midnight’s sleepless haze
    Beneath an eagle’s darkling gaze
    A dozen letters in a cage
    Stalk each to each across the page,
    As animals, in xanthic light,
    Appear to us from night to night.

    Our apophenic tendency
    To find connections hard to see
    Impels a jaguarundi’s prowl,
    Orangutans’ sweet nymphet growl,
    While unhelpful lizards slither free,
    And lynxes slink, uncritically.

    In the zoo’s aquarium
    Pomfret, trout and mackerel swim;
    Below, seahorses sanctify
    The aquifer in which they lie,
    And at the bottom of the sea
    The quahogs slumber, clammily.

    Just short of real, but hardly flawed,
    A dowitcher in her traveling maud
    Prepares to venture far abroad;
    And monolithic caribou,
    Soon to fly as Santa’s crew,
    Still roam the tundra of the zoo.

    In some corner, still unclaimed
    A vagrant’s shoebox might contain
    A faithful lobworm to ordain
    A catbird’s tongue, a kulan’s mane,
    And our vulturish hacker’s holy grail:
    A nonbiological lemur’s tail.

    While adorable numbats fraternize,
    Batting their bright corundum eyes,
    An ubifex hermaphrodite
    Moans with joy in the zoo’s dim light.
    Megalodons wallow in yore’s steamy clime,
    And smilodons smile through the tangle of time.

    What do we make of this animal fest,
    The brightest sparks in our nightly quest?
    Are we monomaniacal zooanthrops
    Together afloat in a boxy boat,
    Riding the rapids of each wordly stream?
    Or are we inside some noctambulist’s dream?

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