Letter Boxed December 19, 2022 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed December 19, 2022 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


22 thoughts on “Letter Boxed December 19, 2022 Answers”

    1. Likewise (junk food industry imposing itself)… Tried INWARDS, WASHBOARD, DASHBOARD, DARTBOARD, INBOARD, TRIGON(S), GRANITOID, DRAGON, GIANT, GRAIN, DRAIN, & TWIN.

      1. Also STRAWBOARD(S), BASTION(S), TRADITION(S), ONWARD(S) . . . several early near-completions with those, and a long stretch before finding the official. A funny one today, though.

  1. I found BRAINWASH quickly but then had a cerebral flatus… I was thinking hot dog (n.) was two words, not one, forgetting that “hotdog” is a one-word verb. So eventually I settled for the comparatively inefficient WASHBOARD – DIGITIN.

    1. There you go, DW; that’s quite a neat alternate to the official. My grandma used to have a washboard and I remember her hastily shutting the windows (so that neighbors wouldn’t hear) when I asked her if that was her washing machine (I doubt she used a digitin – based detergent, though). 🙂

  2. WASHBOARD-DIGITIN 🧼 🌸 for a good old-fashioned scrubbin’…or when you get to WASHBOARD-DIGIT with a leftover N and decide to give it a try. 🙄

      1. I was quite pleased with ONWARD – SHITBAG, and disappointed, though not surprised, that it was rejected. After a time, I arrived at the less pleasing official answer.

  3. Nope. No time, no answer–though I looked at some -BOARD- possibilities. It’s a testament to y’all that 1) official was so apparent and 2) a few alternatives wedged their way in.

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